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| Jackson |

What was the plan? Jackson stared at Raphael, watching him while he stood a few feet from him and Damon with a pondering look on his face. His eyes shifted every couple of seconds...like he was reading some sort of invisible book—maybe he was going over several plans or ideas or what he knew in his head.

Jackson then turned his attention to the siren. The faceless creature was still standing on the rock, its lanky body twitching and convulsing. It didn't look like the strange creature had spotted him, Damon, and Raphael, but he didn't want to make any sudden movements and alert it of their presence.

"They react to sound," Raphael said quietly. "There's a good chance it can't hear us over the undead, so it's going to take something loud to draw its attention."

"Such as?" Damon questioned, glancing around.

"If the three of us howl, the siren should be able to tell the difference between our call and the noises those cadejo are making."

Jackson grew a little more anxious. "I uh...I don't know...how to howl." There were a lot of things that he didn't know how to do. He didn't know how to use his connection to Damon to talk to him from a distance—he didn't know how to connect to him at all. He didn't know as much as he'd like to about scents or sounds or ethos, he didn't know how to track as well as he'd seen the others do, and he didn't know the full extent of what being a wolf walker meant.

Raphael frowned strangely at him.

"He hasn't had time to learn everything," Damon said. "We've been too busy for lessons; he only knows what he needed to know at the time."

"Well, we don't have time for wolf walker school now," the orange wolf muttered irritably. "Once we have the siren's attention, it'll attempt to get within range so that it can paralyze us. Jackson, since you're the only one immune to its ability, you're going to have to lead it as far away from that ledge as possible. I'm hoping that it's going to be confused as to why you haven't frozen. Either that...or it's going to attempt to get up here to kill us."

Jackson tensed up even more. He knew how dangerous those things were; he hoped he'd never have to see one ever again...but there it was...and he was going to have to swallow his fear if they were going to help Wilson.

But Damon confidently said, "He saved my entire pack from a group of those things. We'll be fine."

However, something suddenly hit Jackson, and it made him frown in confusion. "Wait...you aren't immune?" he asked Raphael.

The orange wolf looked at him. "Why would I be?"

"Well...I just...thought that I was immune because I'm a hybrid. Aren't you also some kinda...hybrid? You've got wolf walker and demon blood, right?"

"We don't use that term; we're not half-wolf walker, half-demon; we're wolf walkers with demon blood. And as for being immune, we haven't exactly exposed ourselves to cadejo to find out, and I don't plan to, either."

Jackson had a million questions, but now wasn't the time to ask them. Wilson would be getting down to that ledge soon, and he had to make sure that Siren was nowhere it could hurt him. "Okay, so...you guys howl, and then I protect you or lure the thing away if it isn't far enough already?"

Raphael nodded.

With a deep exhale, Jackson did his best to grasp a calm composure. "Okay...okay." He could do this. It wasn't like he had to go down there and face it, was it? All he had to do was ensure that he kept its attention. That wouldn't be so hard, would it?

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