10 - 'Me too'

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You leaned over Ghost; you locked the door and held the handle for stability. You knew that if Ghost wanted, he could escape the headrest lock. You had to be quick, Price was speeding. He sighed "I hope you know what you're doing rookie" he mumbled glancing back at you from the mirror. His demeanor changing, wanting to see what you had planned.

"Me too" You grunted from the awkward position, not giving him the reassurance. You rolled down the window, bullets whizzing past and hitting the back of the convoy. Price was struggling to keep the convoy under control, the speed and potholes on the road making him jitter and swerve in the dark.

You waited for a pause in the bullets passing the window. You felt calm despite the unfolding situation, one wrong move and you'd get killed instantly. As soon as the bullets stopped, you put your head out the window, analyzing the scene quickly before ducking back in.

Ghost grunted. "Quit climbing on me" He growled; you ignored him. This was no time for distractions, you had to do what you needed to do. You went to peek out the window, but Price hit a pothole in the road and the convoy lurched. You lost your placing and flew up due to the sudden lift of gravity. You hit your head against the car roof and fell back down with a groan.

"Captain keep it stable" you said quickly getting yourself back up. Soap had put down the files and was looking out the back window. You held the pistol tight in your left hand and looked back out the window. The enemy jeeps were also struggling against the potholes and speed.

You sighed and glanced down at Ghost as you leaned over him, trying to express how sorry you were with a look. He scowled back. You took a deep breath, leaning over him more until you were pretty much in his lap. You put your head back out the window when the chance came, your hair whipping in the wind as you let yourself hang out of the window.

You grabbed the outside car door handle and supported yourself as your upper half hung out the window. Bullets were flying and thankfully past you, you aimed the pistol. "Rookie..." Price said slowly his voice intense and uncertain. He was glancing up from the front every so often. His eyes were narrowed, and his knuckles white from the grip on the wheel.

Price hit another pothole and you almost lost your grip on the outside door handle, making you duck back inside with a growl. You thought for a moment deciding 'fuck it' You shuffled across Ghosts lap with another sorry look.

You grabbed the handle above the convoy window and hoisted yourself up onto the open window ledge, using it as a seat as you held on. Everything but below your hips was now in sight for enemies to hit. You leaned back, holding tight as you aimed your pistol. You felt the rush of a bullet too close for comfort.

You watched from your peripheral vision as Ghost pulled his wrists free from the headrest with Soaps help, it's not like he could do anything now, with you out the window. The road ahead is long and straight, stretching towards the horizon with no curves in sight. However, it is also riddled with potholes of varying shapes and sizes, and some of them are especially large. The holes are scattered randomly across the road, making it impossible to pass without hitting at least a few of them and potentially causing damage to the vehicle. Some of them can't even be avoided entirely and might cause issues depending on the weather or how fast you're going. The road may be straight, but it's anything but comfortable.

Price suddenly shouted a warning as he hit a pothole.

The bump and swerve off the convoy caught you off guard, your body bounced from the jolt and your arm strained to hold on to the handle inside as Price served, ultimately you were forced to let go, silence followed, you didn't make a noise, in shock as your body and vocal cords froze up. You felt your body becoming lighter as your grip was never recovered. You shut your eyes bracing yourself.

A sudden grip on your ankle stopped you, a firm grasp on you halted your movement and your body. You felt another tight hold on your other ankle not a moment later. You opened your eyes, you were hanging out the car window, bent at the knees as your head was dangerously close to the road moving underneath you, it looked like a blur. Your hair continued to whip against your face blocking parts of your vision.

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