41 - 'Detention'

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"Can't you just punch someone?" Jasper asked you.

"You're encouraging violence? Against your own students" Price said.

"Well, someone not from my class" Jasper shrugged.

"What about a teacher, what if I punch a teacher?" You insert.

"There's so many more simple ways for you to get detention" Price says.

"Yes, but are they any fun?" You ask.

"... right okay, punch a teacher, tell them not to call me" Price says as you hop out of the car.

"Yes sir" You nod, closing the door. "How long are detentions?" You ask turning to Jasper.

"Three hours" Jasper shrugs.

"You know what, I don't care about the kid that much" you say turning around.

"Really" Jasper says sounded genuinely defeated.

"I'm just messing around" you say falling back into step with him. "So should I have an outburst and just swing at someone or piss them off?"

"That's up to you, I tried to say that you were getting a detention because your lack of turning in homework but that didn't work" he says.

"Yeah, that's fine" you say following him into his class which was empty for last period.

"Jasp" you say dropping your rather empty bag by his desk and hoisting yourself up.

"Yeah?" He replied, turning away from the whiteboard towards you.

"I'm going to punch you" you say with a slow nod.

He stares at you for a moment before shrugging. "Alright" he says.

"I'll be gentle" you say looking around at the things on his desk.

"No need" he says turning his focus back to the board.

"Suit yourself" you shrug, picking up a pen of his. "So how should this happen, just in here, or should we go somewhere with witnesses?" You ask.

"Witnesses?" He chuckles. "Once again, that's up to you."

"Maybe a few will vouch for you" you say flipping the pen within your fingers.

You check the time, watching as he writes up on the board. "Do you like being a teacher?" You ask.

He pauses to look at you with a small smile, "are you staring small talk?" He raises a brow in surprise.

"Not anymore" you scowl back.

"No no, just different, not bad" he says going back to his task. "Chatty today huh?" He notes, "some good news?".

"No, nothing" you mutter. "Just asked a question, no big deal."

"Mm, it's fine, has its ups and downs from time to time" he says vaguely.

"Do you have a favorite student?" You ask.

"It changes" He grins.

"Is it me currently?"

"Aren't you planning on punching me" he says with a laugh.

"Well yes" you say with a small smile. "Buuuuut..." you trail off.

"But?" He says encouraging you to continue.

"I got nothing" you say as he throws a worn-out white board marker into the trash and walks to his desk.

He huffs amused, "everyone in the class is my favorite" he says working around you while searching for a pen.

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