17. Lunch

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"Um a personal question but do you know each others? " Min Yoongi asked.

Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok seems patiently waiting for my answer. Kim Taehyung's intense dark look can have anyone under his dominance.  I hate to admit but It's quite hard to be unaffected by it.

They actually saw me and Rowan casually to each other at break time. We were joking around. We didn’t knew when this three entered. Of course they will be taken a back watching the boss bitch and their newbie employee talking and laughing like old friends.

"Yes." I answer and saw their surprised face

"Friends? " to my and Rowans surprise Kim Taehyung asked. His gaze darth  between Rowan and me. Rowan nodded, I didn’t say anything.

"You have friend?  Quite surprising." Hoseok muttered under his breath.

"How did you meet each other?" Kim Taehyung asked. I don’t understand why he wants to know top of that is it that big deal that I can also have friend.

"Uni." I answer curtly

"You are quite different from your sister. Actually total opposite. But Rose never told us she has a sister. " Min Yoongi says. I scoffed of course she won't a person like me will taint her beautiful image

"Black sheep of the family." I replied

"Are you close to sister? " I asked Yoongi

"Well we all grown up together and she is Taehyung's fiancee so yah we know each others." he answer carefully. From the corner of my eyes I can see Rowan seating quietly observing my situation.

"Really?  But she never told me about you." I taunt playfully. Jung Hoseok and Rowan cough to suppress their laughter. Min Yoongi glare at me. Looks like he wanted to say something to get me back but huff when he didn’t find anything.  Oh dear me and my sister doesn’t talk.

"Have lunch with us, please y/n. It's fun to see someone else make Yoongi shut up other than his mom's smack. You too Rowan join us." Jung Hoseok said politely me and Rowan agreed. Actually we don't have any reason to refuse. Also I continue to refuse it without proper reason then that's will be bad for our partnership.

We were having lunch in the cafeteria. Not with regular employees though. In the VIP section, It's not made to discrimination but to protect privacy. The higher up and other guest or partners from elsewhere eat here. In business world they like to discuss about plan, projects and others things while having a meal.

This is why this VIP cafeteria is made so we could avoid rumors or prevent leaks of information.

Only directors, guests and other VIP are allowed here.

"You eat really well. It's been a long time since I've seen a girl eat like this." Jung Hoseok said.

"Means?" I asked

"Well I mean they eat so less, avoid oily or just food in general to diet,,,, you know to keep their body in shape,,,,,, even Rose eat those salads and gross looking food but you eat like you are enjoying like a normal person." Hoseok explained his thoughts Min Yoongi nodded his head in agreement. Taehyung is looking at me like he has been doing from the beginning. Hoseok throw my sister into the conversation to see my reaction probably trying to figure out how will I react to.

"Well I don’t do diet and I eat what I like." i shrugged off successfully avoid the topic

"You are just like my mom she also say we should eat whatever we love without caring of getting fat." Jung Hoseok said smilingly to which Rowan shift uncomfortably beside me when their attention was on me. The sudden mention of Hoseok's mom has caught Rowan off guard.

So I try to change the topic,"I'll not able to accompany you all tomorrow my secretary Yuta and the team will be there." I said calmly

"Why?" I look at the owner of the deep authorized voice who opened his mouth first time that too just question me. His eyes are already on me before I looked at him.

"Work." I replied in a tone that was not polite but not rude as well.

Tomorrow I'm going with my Uncle Sean to Boston, a new big investment for a project only for Real estate companies. We need to analyze it first before showing our interest. It's a international project so before showing our interest we need to analyze it very keenly. If everything went well this is gonna be my first international project. Honestly speaking I'm nervous but I think I'll do a good job.

"Will you be here after tomorrow?" Rowan asked this time.

"Don't know depend on situation." I answered.

"Come back before exam." he said focusing on his food.


What Exam?  When did we have exam?

"Don't tell me you forget." Rowan groan in disbelief

"Remember before starting final semester classes they wanted a Mocking test. " he said and finally remember. I can't take that online I have to be present there. Ughhhh

After finishing our lunch I asked Rowan to follow me to my office.

"Are you okay?" I asked in concern

"Why wouldn’t I be?"

"You know Rowan." I sigh

He rubbed his face with hand and sadly said,"I think I should get used to it. Because it seems like our life was destined to be mingled. I knew i had to face this face him Hoseok my half brother. But I didn’t knew it would be this fast."

"I should be mentally prepared to meet that women too, my birth giver. Since destiny brought me to Hoseok then destiny can throw that women infront of me too." Rowan  gave a sad chuckle.

Jung Hoseok his half brother. His mom dated Rowans date for four years. She was from a rich elite family while Rowans dad was just a farmers soon who was intelligent enough to have scholarship to study the best College.  when she was pregnant she wanted to abort Rowan but uncle Hayes begged her not to It's their fault the child was innocent.

He begged her to give birth to the child and not break-up with him. Uncle hayes loved her like crazy. But she didn’t. She said she never loved him. And can offer her anything he was poor. When she went to do the abortion doctors said it’s risky for her so her parents isolated her from world spread a rumour she went to abroad study farther.

when she gave birth they deliver the child to uncle Hayes and made him promise not to show up and ruin their reputation he obey.  He gave up his dreams study to take care of the baby. That women never showed up again nor call. She just abandon Rowan and uncle Hayes just like  that.

His heart broke for million times in all those years for his son. How he managed when young Rowan constantly asked everyone has a mother why I don’t... Only he knows. He never looked at another woman. His heart can't trust anyone else.

After a month she start to appear on TV shows in a years she become top actress and married Jung Textiles heir aka Jung Hoseoks father then gave birth to Hoseok. And lived happily luxurious life with her family.

In her fairytale uncle Hayes was a timepass who once loved her more then anything in the world, and Rowan was a bastard child that she never wanted.

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