26. Twining

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Y/n took a last glance at her in the full length  mirror. Her sleeveless royal blue dress, with her shoulder length hair open she barely had any makeup on her face. She doesn’t like make-up, in her past life she had her face covered with makeup 24/7. She wore the earrings Tae Sumi gave. 

She took her phone in her purse and left. 

She saw Rowan in his royal blue suit waiting for her, wearing the watch Tae Sumi gave. He is leaning against his car on hand into his pocket another scrolling through his phone. Y/n cursed under her breath, coincidentally they're matching and not just Rowan but everyone gonna make a big deal of it.

But she would rather match with Tae Sumi than Rowan Hayes. Cause now he is gonna make fun of her.

"W-wait what hahahhaha y/n we are matching. Oh my!! are you fucking wearing a colour that is not black. Aww how many years I've waited for this we are finally twining y/nnnnn."

 Rowan Hayes is a fucking grown up kid. Y/n sweared she would have killed him if he wasn’t a lawyer. 

"If you speak another word then I'll slit your fucking throat you bitch." y/n said furiously her glare send shiver down his spine. It's the famous glare she inherent from her beloved uncle that make grown up mans submitted to her. Rowan knew It's better to keep his mouth shut if he didn’t want to die.  

Y/n knew she is going to face her so-called family today who will only create problems for her nothing more nothing less. She sigh! Thinking about her family. Usually she is not like this but the problem is had been away from any kind of contact from them. She hadn’t face them in years. You can fight thousands of enemy but fighting with your own family is different. She is kinda afraid of their behaviour that can pull a negative impact towards her reputation. After all, all her so-called family liked is to bring her down as much as they can.  

The car stopped at the destination making her halt from her chain of thoughts. Rowan noticed her behaviour he grabbed a chocolate from his car and hand it to her. It was Rowans favourite one he got it as a gift from his client, y/n took it and start to eat sweets really calm her nerves. Both of them silently enjoy the sweets. It's a way of Rowan silently comforting his best friend who prefer to stay silent when she feel like this.  After finishing both of them got out of the car. Rowan Hayes pulled her into his embrace and give a kiss to the crown of her head. 

"Shall we?" he asked and y/n nodded. 

The bestfriend duo walk towards the hotel where the event was being held. Outside the hotel it was filled with reporters, photographs and peoples. Famous businessmen, few famous celebrity,  marchants and other powerful people were arriving to this grand event. 

Kang Y/n and Rowan Hayes held their head high and walk past them ignoring everything. Kang y/n the most famous name in business not just in South Korea but also worldwide. A girl who has taken the business world in stroms. She has achieved so much in very young age. No one basically acknowledged Kang Corporation has two daughters, two heir. They knew only one name Roseanne Kang the shining star and the apple of people's eyes. Out of blue a girl came named Kang y/n and start to work and surpassed all the department directors of South Korea's no.1 company not just that she took over the company in almost a year later. What can more amusing other than that. She did not fall though she held her chin high and fight the world against her. Everyone who came after her or her company she has crushed them. She is the perfect example of a businessmen. 

Beside her Rowan Hayes the youngest man  ever to become a successful lawyer and CEO of South Korea's number one Law farm. And the more amazing part is he has no powerful background. He has start from zero. 

The two of them has been seen together many times  in public so people assumed they would be lovers but before releasing any article about it the reporters investigate about them carefully cause you won't mess with a Lawyer and CEO if you love your life. When the reporters went to their University they got a very clear idea how they were friends from before. After that they wrote a very good article why they were seen together in public, how many years they had been friends for. It actually helped Rowan and y/n reputation. 

Rowans lips parted and muttered quietly, "Fucking rich people and their grand castle like hotel, just to held a event." 

Y/n chuckle quietly to Rowans antics. He is always like this.

"Oh looks who's saying. Didn’t you brought an island recently so your family can stay without any trouble of media and people huh." y/n teased him to which Rowan shrugged. 

Rowan Hayes is the most expensive lawyer in South Korea right now so is his Law farm. He has brought an island recently with very high security so that his family can live in peace. He is Super rich now but this guy prefer to live like a normal person. He is not a fan of showing off. 

Rowan and y/n entered the hall which is decorated so beautifully. The Interior designs are so eye catching in crystal theme. 

People with fancy clothes chatting around the hall. Everyone dressed up in  expensive clothes and jewellery. Everything around there screamed rich. Noise died down when they saw who entered. The CEO of the biggest company the one and only Kang Y/n beside her the CEO of the top Law farm and the most demanding lawyer in South Korea Rowan Hayes. 

People around them watched the pair of best friend holding their breathes. Their presence together was so overwhelming dominating. The Chairman of G group came forward to greet them personally. 

"Thank you for accepting our invitation Ms. Kang, Mr. Hayes." He said with a smile in his face. 

"The pleasure is ours. How have you been chairman? " Rowan asked 

"I'm good and healthy. Did you face any problem reaching here?" Chairman again asked 

"No it wasn’t. The decorations is impressive." Y/n gave a compliment with her emotionless face to which he laugh . 

"Thank you, my daughter in-law did it. She is very good at hosting event, she does this as hobby. Please come this way I'll introduce you to my family. " he said and lead the way. Rowan and Y/n followed his even if they had no interest, it was just a formality. 

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