22 | Aurora

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Last night again was brutal torture to my brain and my body, both exhausted from moving into Grogan's apartment part, yet still having the capacity to keep wandering in my thoughts, being wide awake the whole night and looking at the ceiling above my head. But this time, it was not because of my fears and anxieties but because of a certain devil disguised as a human who has successfully possessed my mind.

He has occupied my mind to the extent that he owns my thoughts now. I couldn't just remove him from myself like that anymore. It was as if he was determined to rule my mind, telling everything else to disappear in front of him.

I have no idea where this boldness came from in my actions in front of him. It's not that it was never within me; it was just that I had never shown this side of me to anyone else before him, not even Liam.

Truth be told, I never acted freely around Liam. Even though I had wanted to take control over the intimacy part of our relationship in the past, I always had this insecurity around him about what he would think of me. It may be because he turned my ideas and thoughts down some times when it came to us having a sexual life. He was always about his satisfaction and pleasure, and when it came to mine, he would make excuses and never really put interest in that.

There is a reason I always read dark romances. It's my desire to be loved and experience those passionate moments the same way they do in those books.

On the other hand, Jade always felt so different, so much like a safe place for me. My mind never feared anything whenever he was around, and that is why I need to figure out my feelings for him. We both need to figure out if it was just a small attraction or something else—something deeper and more meaningful than what we are thinking right now about it.

The morning right now seems no less than torture itself. I am still thinking about the happenings of last night.

The way he asked me to fulfill my desires that I read in books.

The way his eyes screamed at me to give into the pleasure that I was craving.

The way I had let my thoughts about him win over me and tried to provoke him.

And the way his touches made me squirm and left me wanting for more, more of him underneath him, even if they lingered only for a tease.

Getting ready for the day, my mind keeps recalling the words that he had etched into my mind, making his dark, velvety voice crystal clear whenever I think about it.

"Because I want to devour every inch of you."

"Stop testing my patience, Ocean. Because if I started, you would be praying to God for me to stop."

Every time his voice echoes in my head, the ache between my inner thighs intensifies. His mere touch and just a few words made my core clench around nothing. I wonder what his actual actions would do to me.

The chain of my fantasies gets broken as I hear my phone's beep. Glancing over it on the nightstand, I see a new text message popping up.

Think of the devil.

I gulp, and heat rises in my body, leaving tingles all over my skin. I grab the phone and open the text.

Jade: Thinking about me?

I scoff at his arrogance, and as I am about to type the message to deny it, a new message pops up on the screen.

Jade: Because you have been on my mind all the time, Ocean.

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