Chapter 20

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"Lemme explain." Amber says. "I don't wanna die by you so I guess we need to kill you first." Her cruel words pierce my words. But why is Sam here he's my friend...right?!

"Sam?" I ask. He averts his gaze on me.

"I'm just here for you baby." He smiles evilly. What does that mean?

"I'll leave call me when your done. Make sure aw doesn't escape!" She orders him. Wait when he's done? He turns back to me.

"I thought you were my fried Sam!"

"You thought wrong. Just want you but more than a friend." He laughs then suddenly grabs me and pushes me on ground were I scrape my hands and the side of my face. Great more injuries. So pissed he lied to me. He was supposed to be my friend...I trusted him. Fuck him now he can die!

I jump back up and he grabs my shoulders roughly. I kick his knee hard then Sam falls to the ground holding his knees but gets up quickly. I take out the pocket knife and flick it open quickly. I hide it behind my back and he swings his fist by my face but I duck quickly, then I stab his leg he falls to the ground crying out like a little bitch he is. I hover above him glaring at him.

"Sick of everyone's shit and I thought you were my friend!"

"I am I am!" He cries out.

"Friends don't try to rape other friends." I smiles evilly.

"Have fun in hell!" I laugh like a mad man but I don't care. I get on top of him and plunge the knife into his Chet several times. I stop because I realize I've gotten blood on my face and all over my clothes! Darn it! I stand up and look at what I've done. Satisfactory.

"Alex." I hear a familiar voice call out. Jeff.

"Asshole tried to fucking rape me." I kicked the stiff body.

"Well good thing I gave you that knife." He says. He walks closer and looks at my face.

"Alex you have another injury." He examines my face.

"He threw me to the ground." I sigh.

"Good thing you killed him before I could." He smirked.

"No let's go get more weapons and kill Amber. No surprise this was her idea." I say.

"Sounds great." He says evilly.


I return to my own house but Jeff didn't want me to. I told him I had to pack my clothes because he told me I could live with him. I quickly chane into something more comfortable I was wearing; a black tanktop, black tights, black combat boots then just for luck I put on my moms necklace she gave me it was a red clover. Still not sure why is red. Then I packed all my clothes and important stuff.

"Let's go!" I said.

We soon get home and I drop my clothes off. "So wait what's the plan?" I ask.

"First you need to clean up your woud."

"Is just a scratch." I say.

"Still. Come on." He takes my hand and we go into the kitchen. He sets me up on the counter and gets out some medical stuff. He cleans up my wound carefully because it stings just a little.

"wow even sitting on the counter I'm still taller than you." He laughs.

"Shut it!" I snarl. He laughs and grabs my chin then kisses me. After that I hug him. He was taken aback for a minute but starts to calm and hugged me back. I pull away.

"I love you." I say. His cheeks turn red from blush. I chuckle.

"Love you too." He kisses me deeply, and I remember what he have to do.

"We need to do something about amber!" I say.

"Yeah we will. Okay any ideas."

"We'll why don't we just sneak in her house when she's sleeping take her out he house and kill her in the forest?!"

"That's...a really good idea." He says in shock.

"Okay we will go to her house at 12 ok?"

"Ok!" I smile.


When the time finally comes me and Jeff get our weapons. I have a cleaver like always! We leave at 11:50. Me and Jeff walk through the forest and soon enough Ambers house was plain in sight. Her window was dark so she is most likely asleep. She has it coming.

Jeff and I successfully sneak into her house which was quiet as hell. Seems like her parents might not be home. We make our way through the halls. I quietly open her door there was Amber in a comfy bed sleeping peacefully. Until I fuck that up. Jeff wakes her up then she screams but I smack her hard with my fists. She goes unconscious.

"Good idea, but I was gonna have some fun."

"Just help me carry her." I take her arms and he takes her feet. Haha.

"This bitch is gonna get it." He laughs.

"Badly." I snarl.

We drag her heavy body into the forest. We lay her down and after a couple minutes she wakes up. Her hands were tied up so aw wouldn't try anything.

"Wakey Wakey eggs and baky." I say sweetly.

"Let me go you psychopath!"

"Thanks but no."

"You deserve to be punished. And if I kill you I think I'd be doing everyone a favor." I say evilly at her. She just looks at me in angrily. She screams but I put a blade over he throat she immediately stops.

"I wouldn't scream if I were you." I say.

"yeah you'll get us in trouble." Jeff says. I nod in agreement.

"So what shall we do with her?" I roam around her and smile mischievously.

"Not sure maybe just dispose of her." Jeff smiles.

"P-please no!" She stutters and tarts to sob. "Don't kill me I'll give you anything you want please!"

"That's what they all say." Jeff says seriously.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you?"

"Um...I-I have money and I could pay you! I have a whole life ahead of me and I am pretty important! D-don't kill me please. I'm begging you!"

"Not good enough answer" I say then slit her throat while I smile cheerily. I start to laugh, then I slit everything in sight. Her arms, stomache, her legs, and more places. Jeff places his hand on my shoulder which stops me, his touch calms me down.

"Now your just messing around my dear."

"Should I rid her?" I ask. He nods and I don't hesitate I raise up my cleaver and chop off her head clean and quietly. The head rolls on the ground and her lifeless body falls to the ground. I grab her head by her pretty blonde hair and show Jeff.

"This is what happens when you fuck with me for now on." I smile.

"Now we must rid the body hun." He smiles.

"K." I say cheerily.

We throw ambers dead body in the lake. It was all tied to a couple giant heavy rocks so I think we are good.


"Your full of blood my love." He smiles.

"Yes I know. So are you." I smile at him. He stops me.

"You were so hot tonight babe." He smiles mischievously at me. I laugh.

"Oh really?"

"It was pretty impressive." He gives me a seductive. Gotta admit I get why Jeff has so many fan girls. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply. He holds my waist and pulls me closer to his body.

"I love you." He smiles.

"love you too." I kiss him. I guess we have a unique type of love.
A super psycho love.


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