Chapter 7

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I have to go to school again. Ugh, fine then. I feel today might be a better day, it is thursday after all. I'm tired too, ugh.

When I get to school its raining. I lobe the rain! Even though its really cold I still like the rain! I go to my locker and put away the heavy books that were in my bag.

"Hey!" I hear a famikar voice and turn around. Sam is smiling at me.

"Hey, what's up?" I smile back. Sam is basically my only friend here. He's really chill, which is great. We have almost all the same classes here. Thank god for him. He does have other friends but he likes to hang out with me.

"Where were you yesterday? I actually showed up, too!" He jokes. I laugh.

"Eh, girl stuff." I say trying not to give him the dirty fake...details.

"What kinda girl stuff?" He pushes on.

"Sam, do you really wanna know about my cramps?" I say.

"Oh god no! Please not that!" He laughs. Hey, he asked for it.

"Come on we gotta get to first period." I drag him along by my side.

"Ugh, noooo..."

"I don't wanna go either but I already missed yesterday." I sigh.

"Ugh, fine."


After all the boring ass classes it was lunch time. Finally lunch is great because you get a break from all the mental abuse and asshole teachers. I usually sit by myself or Sam likes to sit with me. Most of the time he sits with me, but sometimes his friends nag him to sit with him. I don't really care that much, I have my earphones and usually a really good book. I like to read, usually paranormal romance, or a good manga! Same friends want him to sit with him. He apologizes and I tell him that I'm fine. Its fine, he shouldn't be hanging out with me anyway. I'm an outcast. Maybe I shouldn't wear too much black, but then again that's who I am. I plug in my earphones then listen to bring me the horizon. Hospital for souls. Then I bury my face in my book while occasionally munching on some of my food. I sudenely feel a presence behind me. I turn around and see Jeff. What the fuck?!

"Why are you here?!" I hiss at him. He laughs at me, then takes a seat by me, his back facing everyone else.

"Nice to see you too, Alex."

"What if someone recognizes you? You are all over the news." I say. He doesn't look amused at all.

"They won't, I'm not stupid." He pulls the hood over his face lower. Wow, that will definitely help!

"Should've worn something different." I grumble.

"Who cares." He says nonchalantly.

"People who don't wanna get murdered!"

"Shh! Damn and you say I'll get caught."

I put my hands on my hips. "I'm not the killer here." Well technically I am.

"Yeah sure you aren't." He teases me. I pout.

"Okay, why are you here?" I ask again. I really hope he doesn't get caught.

Why do you care?

I'm not sure...

"They found the body-" I cut him off with my panic shushing. He must not talk so loud and open. He gets quieter. "They found it, and no news has been out yet. Just pray they don't catch you for it."

"OK." I nod then put both my hands together in a praying notion. He rolls his eyes.

"Oh God, Alex!"

"Shut up Jeff, I'm praying!" I laugh. He chuckles.

"Alright, I'm gonna leave cause your already embarrassing me." He gets up, then pats my head. He leaves. That pain in my chest is coming back again. Ugh, why?

At least I wasn't alone this lunch time. The bell suddenly rings which makes me jump a little. I get up and pack my stuff. Okay, one more period left that's all.


"Finally, we can leave this hell!" Sam runs up besides me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Right? God, I can't stand school." I sigh of relief.

"And the weekend! Two full days of happiness." He laughs. Too bad he doesn't go on my bus. He's basically my only friend. We part ways until he says something that surprises me.

"Hey, what are you doing this weekend?"

"Um, nothing really." I say. His green eyes light up.

"Cool, I'm having a party do ya wanna come?" He smiles.

"Sure, I think I'll be able too."

"Good, text me if you change your mind." He starts to back up. "Its fine if you can't I'll totally-" he bumps into someone. He stops then just waves bye to me. Hehe, he can be such a klutz. For a moment I thought he was gonna ask me out. No...I don't wanna ruin this friendship. He's my only friend I can't lose him cause of a stupid relationship.

I get on the bus. The ride was boring and long. I sat by always. When I get off Amber gets off too.

"Hey...did you hear about Kayla." She says sadly. Wow, she actually looks vulnerable. Its amusing.

Heh, that bitch is next.

Damn right.

"Yeah, I did. I wonder who killed her?" I said casually.

"What monster would kill an innocent teen." She almost sheds a tear but she doesn't. Stone cold bitch. I wanna laugh at her cause I know what happened to your best pal.

"Innocent?!" I laugh manically. Ugh, control yourself Alex! She looks at me. "That was probably Karma." I say coldly. She just stares at me in horror. "You know what they say: karmas a bitch!" I smile then skip away, leaving her terrified.

Super psycho love (Jeff the killer romance)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum