Chapter 13

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Chapter: Battle for Angel Island Pt.3

~3rd Person POV~

~Location: Angel Island~

Angel Island. A remote and mysterious land that floats through the sky thanks to the power of the Master Emerald...Is In Freefall. The resistance are still on a carrier, witnessing the fall of the once peaceful Island. Blaze starts to blame herself

Blaze: I'm Sorry! I didn't know completing my mission would cause this!

Amy: It's not your fault!

Blaze: Then...maybe the power that Y/n is now showing us is the cause for the fall!

Amy: That isn't it either! If the Island is falling...It means something happened to the Master Emerald!

~Meanwhile on Angel Island~

Apex Y/n is staring off the giant metallic monster. The monster in question was still in shock and fear. Sonica, Shady and Knuckie look at him in awe

Sonica: Whooooa~

Shady: ........

Knuckie: Kick her butt, Y/n!

Apex Y/n:....I wonder if a machine such as yourself feels fear

Metal Overlord: G-Ghh! Raahhhh!

The Metallic beast swung her hand at the God-like hedgehog, expecting to swat him away a good distance, but Apex Y/n just tanks the attack with a smirk on his face

The Metallic beast swung her hand at the God-like hedgehog, expecting to swat him away a good distance, but Apex Y/n just tanks the attack with a smirk on his face

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[Replace Super Sonic with Apex Y/n]

Apex Y/n: This can't be the limit of your power, can it?

(Now Playing: What I'm Made Of - Sonic Heroes)

Metal Overlord let's out a roar of frustration and continues to try and hurt Y/n. Apex Y/n sees this and the two beings start to exchange blows

 Apex Y/n sees this and the two beings start to exchange blows

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Time For A Little Surprise (Male Seelkadoom Reader x Fem Sonic IDW Comics)Where stories live. Discover now