Chapter 21

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Chapter: Infection Pt.3

~Location: Echo Mine~

~3rd Person POV~

The trio of hedghogs located the Eggma'am base that was "hidden" within Echo Mine. The base was shaped like Eggma'am's face, much to our heroes' displeasure

Sonica: Y'know what I like most about Eggma'am?

Amy: What's that?

Sonica: Her subtlety

Y/n Chuckles at her comment

Y/n: Figures

They all her a weird yawn coming from Y/n. Out of his quills, comes Aella

Y/n: Oh hey...sorry I brought you with us

Aella: ■■♡◇♧¤☆○~°●

They couldn't understand what she said, but could tell it was sassy. She started becoming that why after hanging out with Whisper's Wisps and with the girls of Restoration HQ

Y/n: Don't sass me!

Amy and Sonica laugh at the interaction of the two. Aella flew back into Y/n's quills, ready for whenever he might need her. The hedgehogs then walk into the entrance way to the base and find a damaged elevator shaft. They find some lights, Ala head light for Sonica and a flashlight for Amy. They then head downward to where the elevator shaft led

Sonica: Looks like there was a heck of a battle here

Amy: There was! This was where one of our biggest counter-attacks against Dr. Eggma'am's forces happened before you came back to us. We were able to liberate a lot of people that day

The hedgehogs touch the ground and walk through the mine. As he was walking, Y/n accidentally kicked something. He creates an energy ball in his hand and aims the light of the ball to where he kicked the object. The light shown that it was a damaged military helmet

Y/n: Seems like you lost some people, too...

Amy: ...Unfortunately...

Amy runs her arm, feeling regret and sadness for the brave souls that gave their lives in order to protect what little they had left. Sonic rests a hand on her shoulder

Sonica: Hey. You made sure it was worth it

Y/n: She's right. All of you did what you could

Amy: That may be true, but Sonica won the war for us

Sonica: Well, yeah. Saving the day is what I do

Y/n: Mhm. And we're here to stop the mad woman from carrying out any unfinished business. Where to next, rose?

Amy: The command hub is down this tunnel. Hopefully the back-up generator still works

The hedgehogs walk further into the underground base, with the pink hedgehog leading the way and the other two follow behind her

Amy: With a little luck, we'll be able to boot up her computer, access her network, and find out what she's planning!

Y/n: Sonica, Silva, and I saw her badniks carrying out supplies from an abandoned lab. What makes you think she hasn't done something similar here?

Amy: I'm not sure. But this is the closest abandoned base on file, so it's the best place to start!

Sonica: I hope you're right about this

Time For A Little Surprise (Male Seelkadoom Reader x Fem Sonic IDW Comics)Where stories live. Discover now