Chapter 2

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A/N: I edited this cuz i may or may not have copied and pasted the orv novel and didnt realise that it was subway .... 

[Many Constellations are excited for the future of the channel]

I rubbed my eyes blearily and looked around me, shocked.

A dream taking place at my current location? This was rare...

「&아#@!&아#@! ...」

With two small horns and wearing a small straw mat, the strange and fluffy creature was floating in the air. It was too strange to call it a fairy, too evil to call it an angel, and too tranquil to call it a demon.

"What is this? Augmented reality?" Whispers erupted around me. My eyes widened when i realised that not only was my dream taking place in the location i was at before i fell asleep, but the people in my dream were the exact same people in the old room!


Finally, I heard the correct pronunciation of Korean.

[Ah. Does this sound good? Ah, I had a hard time because the Korean patch didn't work. Everyone, can you hear my words?]

"Who...who are you?" Someone asked fearfully. I glanced at the person. Ms Baek? Seeing our usually firm and strict cooking teacher look fearful for the first time in my life, I placed a hand over mouth to stop myself from laughing. 

"What do you want? Do you want money? I can give it to you? Just let me leave." Ms Baek asked the creature as she pulled out her wallet and credit card.

[ really are loud.]

There was a presence with a stronger persuasive power than anyone else right now.

"...Dokkaebi?" I muttered to myself unconciously. I had seen similar creatures on the screens of some of the games my friends play...but why am I dreaming of these.....creatures?

[I told you to be quiet.]

I closed my eyes slowly as the dokkaebi's eyes turned red. Something burst,and the classroom became silent. 

"Uh, uh. Uh..." There was a big hole in the forehead of Ms Baek. The woman who had spoken several times collapsed on the spot. 

I sniggered to myself quietly, at least now I won't have to listen to her nagging- oh wait, I shouldn't be saying that right now. I quickly composed myself as the dokkaebi continued speaking.

[This isn't a dream. It isn't a novel either.]

[This isn't the 'reality' that you know. Do you understand? So everyone shut up and LISTEN TO ME.]

All the other students in the cookery lab sealed their mouths shut immediately, some of them letting out choked, quiet sobs occasionally. 

[Everyone, your lives have been nice so far. Isn't that right?]

I scoffed at the dokkaebi's words. 

Yeah fucked up past was 'nice'...Was having your mother sent to jail  and your father dead at the age of 4 good? 

[You have been living too long for free. Isn't life too generous? You were born and paid no price for breathing, eating, pooping and breeding! Ha! You really live in a good world!]

I smiled bitterly. 

Freedom...what is the meaning of that word...

I could tell many of the others here wanted to argue with the cotton can- i mean dokkaebi. Most of our parents (or brother in my case) worked their asses off just to get us into this school. 

A few pupils started to protest. "Please, let us go, we can give you money."

I was pretty sure a tick mark appeared on my forehead. Didn't these bitches see what happened to Ms Baek? 

[Hmm? Are you giving me money?] The Dokkaebi said as a student pulled out several won notes.

[Money, good. A plant fibre that many humans mutually agree on.]

The students expressions brightened. It was indeed a 'money could solve anything' look. How pitiful.

At the next moment, flames appeared in the air, and the cheques in the students' hands burned up. They let out a scream.

[That paper has no value in the macrocosm world. If you do this one more time, I will blow away your head.]

Once again, fear spread on the faces of the students. 

[Phew, the debt is piling up during the time when you are noisy. Well, yes.Rather than explain it a hundred times, isn't it quicker for you to make money yourself?]

The dokkaebi's horns rose like they were antennas, and its body floated to the ceiling of the train. 

A moment later, a message rang out.

[#BAY-23515 channel is open.]
[Constellations have entered the channel.]

A small window emerged in front of everyone's blank eyes. 

[The main scenario has arrived!]

[Main Scenario #1: Proof of Value]
Category: Main
Difficulty: F
Clear Conditions: Kill one or more creatures
Time Limit: 30 minutes
Compensation: 300 coins
Failure: Death

The Dokkaebi smiled faintly as it became transparent and disappeared into the next space.

[Good luck everyone, please show me an interesting story.]

edit (24/3/24): added some descriptions

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