Chapter 7

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A/N: Thank you for 1k views <333 


Why...why is he here...wasnt...wasnt he...

"MAMAAAAAAAA" my thoughts were broken by the child's scream as she jumped down from the man's arms.

I could hear stuttering from behind me and glanced at the other 3 from the side of my eye.

"Mama...? but.." Hyun-Jae tried to understand what had happened.

"Shes definitely around 5're...18...." Bori scratched her head, glancing between the child and me.

"... wait its not what i think it is right?" Jihye brought her hands to her mouth, "oh my god im so sorry you had to go through that..."

[The Constellations are shocked and are very sorry for your experiences]

I sighed, they probably thought i was raped or some shit...not that they were wrong but...

"She was adopted," i groaned as the child jumped into my arms.

"Ohhhh" sounds of realisation rang throughout the tunnel.

"How are you Erina? Long time no see!" I smiled warmly at the 5 year old girl in my arms.

Erina giggled and clapped her hands,  "Mhm! Im very good! Daddy took me to see a lots and lots of stuff! Oh yeah! Auntie Seolhwa also is coming...well she was supposed to not sure if shes here yet."

Ms Seolhwa? Why would she come here? Dae-hyun already said that him and Erina would come visit me...Ehhhh none of my business.

"Is it my turn now?" A voice asked. I raised my head to meet the white-haired man in front of me. We grinned at each other before embracing. (A/N: 👍)

"Dae-hyun!! How have you been?" Its been nearly a year since i saw him. It was only now, looking at him, when i realised how much i missed him. His bubbly personality that could switch in an instant, his warm smile that made me feel fuzzy in the inside, his long waist- level white hair, his eyeliner...and all the other parts of him.

"Uh Hae-ran, sorry to interrupt but can you introduce us?" Hyun-jae's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I blushed from embarrassment and immediately replied, "Oh yeah, sorry i forgot."

 Clearing my throat slightly, I pointed to Dae-hyun, "Guys, this is Dae-hyun, my boyfriend and the child we adopted is Erina. Daehyun is 18 and Erina is 5." "Dae-hyun, Erina," I continued, now pointing to the other 3 respectively as i introduced each of them, "This is Hyun-jae, Jihye and Bori" They waved at each other and Daehyun shook the other 3 hands',  jokingly telling me, "I nearly forgot you had to go for the 17year old curriculum since you...well yeah." 

I smiled at him, telling him, "Hyun-jae here was my first friend and she introduced me to Jihye and Bori." 

"Oh my god you guys have my approval, yall are my new best friends." Daehyun gushed like a high school girl talking about her crush. The other 3 chuckled nervously, no doubt wondering why this bubbly guy had threw a knife at us just a few minutes ago. I sighed as another message from the constellations came in.

[Constellation "Demon-like judge of fire" is squealing about how cute Erina is.]

[Constellation, "The wonders of youth" agrees with the compliment to her incarnation.]

Ohh, so shes Erina's sponsor... "Oh yeah, Hae-ran, i brought you your stuff." Dae-hyun informed me before passing me a black duffel bad that i did not know existed. Confused, I took the bag from his hands, letting Erina jump down from my arms. I was pretty sure i took everything when i left...I unzipped the bag slowly...and zipped it back immediately.

"Oh." I said, blushing as i thanked Dae-hyun. The other 3 looked at me, puzzled, "?" Meanwhile, Hyun-jae smirked at me, no doubt thinking that there were some...questionable stuff inside the bag. I sighed to myself, already hearing her voice in my head. "Hae-ran, you uncultured bastard! Why do you have se-" The problem was, the things in the bag were weapons and a few personal belongings.... 

I quickly informed them that it was just some stuff i forgot from before moved here. Technically, it was true...

I checked the scenario window.

[Time Remaining: 22 hours, 36 minutes]

"Hehehehehheheheheheh" familiar giggling rang out through the tunnel and i glanced at Erina to see her hugging Hyun-Jae's legs. Hyun-jae glanced at me and i shrugged my shoulders. Grinning, Hyun-jae picked her up and the three of them started to coo over Erina.Ping!Another notification appeared on the scenario window. Frowning, I opened it.

[You have acquired a new skill, "The bond of family (shared)."]

Not again...


edit: usual changes, added some descriptions.

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