Liami (Chapter 2)

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Our plane landed to Thailand it was a beautiful place everything was beautiful we all had to wear casual clothes because other people should not know we are agent's
Well I only once visited Thailand because of one case but that case was sot out soon so I didn't get to see Thailand that much but I tell you a secret I love visiting new places well you might think I am a different type of agent because agents have to be very firm and strong and doesn't care about anything but I tell you I am good at everything

Win really was excited to be in Thailand because it was his home he missed Thailand very much
"This place is fucking beautiful" eve said in excitement
"This is just a beginning there are lot more things" win said
Then suddenly one guy came and asked us "are you all The agent's from England?"
We said yes and he told us to follow him there was one big black car which look luxurious we all sat and it took us to our house
We went inside the house it was big. A house for 5 people the guy showed us everything and he also told us about our secret room where we can do our discussion in that room and that guy gave the key and he went

Soon we got a call from Mr. Chen win bought his laptop and put it on the table and we all sat on the couch
"Hellow agents how do you feel after coming in Thailand" Mr. Chen said
"Good" we all said
"I hope you all might be tired so take some rest and start your work from tomorrow, we have kept all the things which u might need and we also arranged two cars for you'll it is outside the house" Mr. Chen said
As soon as mr. Chen told about the car Max ran at the Big window glass and saw the car and he told us, he was excited to see those car because Max love cars they were black BMW they look so stunning
"Ok agents I'll get going you all take some rest" Mr. Chen said and he cut the call
Everything is perfect here we all went to take some rest

Next day
Well all got ready to go at the Thailand angency we were wearing our agent clothes we sat in the cars and we were off
It was cool we looked like some mafia's you can imagine from the movie fastX when they all go in cars like a super cool persons

We reached to the agency where there were some agents and most of them were discussing and doing work on that new creatures We meet Louis the head of this project he took us to a room where wee meet Mr. Chen I saw there were two creatures with one full body and the other creature skin was removed it was looking so disgusting Win almost vomiting when he saw that creature Eve had clam him down

"As you can see Liami this are the creature and we are all searching and studying them they are still not come here but we find some two or three only at the time those all creatures are hidden somewhere and we cannot find them" Mr. Chen said

"And we have to find them and kill them all and also we have to search the thing which this creatures had came for" louis said

Well louis was a nice guy but he acted rude and cold towards us like he is not interested in us we don't talked to louis that much

"But can we just find that thing and give that to the creature and they will go from here" I said

"NO!" Mr. Chen said in a loud voice

"Sorry! I mean.... That not possible because our scientists had told this creature are human life which means that thing which they are looking for is human life, this all creatures life is connected to that thing and if that thing destroyed then this creatures will get destroyed and also we all human can get destroyed so We can only kill those creatures and get that thing to us and keep it safe" Mr. Chan said

"But I think if our and their lives are on that thing then those creatures will also keep it safe" I Said

"No Liam, There are many aliens after that thing and they want to kill the humans from our world and they want to rule this world or they also might need us to be their survent do you want that to happen" Mr. Chen said

"No but--" I said

" And we also made a gun that can kill this creatures" louis said while I was going to speak something

Well I was going to speak this bitch have to really talk in between but I have a doubts on everyone here I don't know what it is about

Well I ignored everything and we went out of the agency they handed us everything that we might need to kill those creatures and also to find that thing
We came home and we all got changed in our casual clothes we all taught to have a round in Thailand so we all went to have some fun
We came at a festival it was beautiful, there were many things
"Sometimes Thailand gave me Indian vibes" Eve said
"Ohh have you been to India" Max asked
"Yup for some work" Eve said
There were many things
"Ok guys so we will all go in a separate group and we will see the place and all have to meet at our car" Ben said
"Well that's a great Idea" Win said
"I'll go with Max because he is little crazy you know" Ben said
" Eve you go with win because he is too young he might get lost" I said
"I am will not get lost" Win said
"It's okay Win you come with me, I don't know anything about this place maybe you will help me" Eve said while keeping a hand on wins shoulder
"Okay then I'll go alone" I said
"Okay" All said
We all went on our way I was alone, there were many beautiful things when suddenly I hited someone
"I'm so sorry" one boy with silky hair A Thailand boy looking so good and saxy and handsome hited me
Well Liami come in the world don't think to much my heart started beating when I saw him and I didn't notice that he just spilled his ice tea on me
"I am so sorry Mam" he said
"Its okay" I said
"Well let me just help you I buy you a new t-shirt" he said
"No it's Okay, btw I am Liami" wtf did I said why am I telling him my name am I gone mad
"Ohh okay my name is Sihaphah Wongratch my Nick mane Krist" he said with a akward simle
Thailand people have so much big name that is why they keep their Nick name I guess but I think he might think I am stupid uhh
"Well hi Krist nice meeting you" I Said
"You too Miss Liami" he said
"Well it's okay you can carry your fair I'll get going" I said
"Well wait I think you are not from Thailand are you from another country?" He asked
"Well yes I am from England I came here for some work" I said
Wtf why am I telling him my identity wtf is happening to me
"Well okay I get going" he said and he went
wtf did just happened he was soo handsome my heart was racing like a rolar coaster ride I didn't feel this type on feeling to anyone I was just thinking of him

After some hour we all finally meet at our car I think they all had fun but I was just thinking of Krist his face and everything
"I think everyone had fun" Ben said
"Ya, and Win was so happy to meet his one old friend His name was Ren I Guess" Eve said
Win was also dreaming like me, well I think everyone doesn't know about it but once win told me about his friend Ren they are friend's from childhood and he used to tell everything about him
"Well Liami what you did" Max assked
"Nothing much just had some food and played game" I said
"She is always behind eating" Ben said
"Ya I already told you'll she has black hole in her stomach that is why she eat so much but never gets fat" win said
"Well I think eating make me happy so nvm leave it let's get going we have many work" I said
We all sat in the car and while going I saw Krist my heart started to beat fast I wanted to talk to him but I ignored him because I was with other agent's

On our way we got a call that they found some creatures and they sended us the location so we raced our car to that location on the way we stop and a hotel and changed our clothes to our agent clothes we finally reached to that location with our guns Everything was silent when suddenly a creature jumped infront of me he was very ugly and suddenly someone shooted him and he was dead it was Louis who killed that creature
"Do you work well Fuking Liami" he said while shouting
Wtf is its problem I was doing my work nevermind I ignored him and there were many creatures infront of us the location was a big ground and there are hundred of creatures and we are only 20 agents now
Well all started the war I think this is going to be World war 3 or 4 I shooted everyone who were coming at me we all killed half of the creature but there we many left one creature attacked me and trowed me out, in my eyes I cannot see anything everything was blank and I fainted

I woke up in my room I came out and saw Rest of the agents sitting on the couch
"Liami are you okay" Win asked
"Ya but what happened to me" I asked
"Well one creature suddenly attacked you and u got fainted and luckily those all creatures suddenly went somewhere we couldn't kill them all" win said
"Ohh okay" I said I felt very down because I got fainted I should have been strong I told them I need some fresh air so I went out of the house and with the car I went at a peaceful place I don't know what is this place called but it was very beautiful and pretty
Then suddenly I saw someone fimiler it was krist
My heart started to beat again uhhh not again

To be continued...........

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