Liami ( Chapter 7)

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I waited for Krist at the bus stop he finally came with Nina and we went to the club
We finally reached there we went inside there was so much people and music. People were drinking and dancing some couples were kissing each other at the corner nevermind I think I should not watch them.
I went and sat at the drink counter I was watching everyone well Nina and krist also went to dance but today I was not interested to dance they both called me but I said no to them I taught to let them only enjoy.
I ordered a drink, Suddenly a guy came and asked me "wanna dance"
"No sorry" I rejected that guy offer because he looked kind of like playboy
"Well that's okay, but you look beautiful darling what's your name" he said while staring me from up and down
"Thank you, my name is Liami" uhh this guy is annoying I would have punch his face till now but I should be chill because there are many people here
"Well that's a beautiful name" he said
Then suddenly Nina and Krist came thank god they came I didn't wanted to talk to this shit guy that guy stared at us and he went

Nina and Krist drank to much they were talking like cute kids then I noticed someone fimiler on the Corner it was Eve ohh I almost forgot she wanted to come to the club too, she came towards us but one surprising thing happened Nina fell on Eve and they know eachother
"Ohh it's you lovely girl" Nina said to eve well she is drunk so she is talking like a drunk person
"Ohh it's you Nina" Eve said
"Well you know eachother and when that happen?" I asked
"Well--ummmm, I told uh about that butterfly tattoo girl this is she. This girl she is like you an----" Nina said while Eve cuts her off
"Well what butterfly tattoo" krist said he was also drunk so he was talking like Nina too, but both are too drunk they didn't paid attention

Krist and Nina were too drunk that they can't even walk Eve told me she will take Nina home I had a doubts on her but I didn't paid that much attention she told me to take Krist to his house I said okay,
Eve took Nina with her, krist was left with me
"Well you drink to much muff" I said
"Ah-- who is muff" he asked in a low drunk voice
"You are muff" I said
"No I am krist" he said
he looks cute when he talk, like a muffin, little muffins but cute and sweet that is why I call him muff.

I wanted to go to the rest room I told Krist to wait there as I soon go and come I was walking towards the washroom when suddenly a person grabbed me and pinned me on the wall and he started tearing my dress "darling let's have a beautiful night" he said the same guy who meet me earlier I didn't get time to do anything while he almost tare my dress a little bit it got tare at the side of my breasts down at the should side, I was almost going to punch him but then suddenly krist came and punched that guy, that guy punched krist back and krist fell down he was going to beat him
"You are dead" the guy said while putting his hand up to punch krist I grabbed that guy shoulder and make him looked behind
"No you are" I said and punch that guy so hard he almost fell on the ground I think I really killed him I checked his breath he was still alive only thing he went to sleep he was too drunk that's why I think this guy comes to some stupid people in this world catagory such an asshole,
I saw Krist was fallen on the ground I helped him to move and make him up from the ground I took him near his car but suddenly Krist pinned me on his car
"Your dress is in bad shape" Krist said
"Yeah I know it is because of that guy now leave it we are already going home" I Said
"No" krist said
Krist was too drunk he started exmanin me all with his right hand he Came near my two boobs and touched the line between them, I didn't felt anything weard I just wanted to Krist to go more deep I was loving how he touches me
"Well I wanted to tell you that you looked so much beautiful today" krist said
"Ohh thanks" I said, I was very happy he finally said
Krist excamin my whole body then finally he was going to kiss me wtf should I do I was going to stop but he kissed me. My first kissed was stole by him my real love kiss I was happy but sad if this is right or wrong I saw Krist he fell asleep on my chest while kissing he was too drunk he kept on saying
"I love you"
"I love you Nina"
Well when I heard the name Nina my heart broke well he likes Nina not me and he taught that I am Nina so he kissed me and said those all words I was all broken from inside I was going to cry but I taught let it be.

I took him in the car and I went at his house I drop him off and I called Ben to pick me up, Ben came and I went Home, I had a really big matter to solve tomorrow and I was broken whole night

The next day we all 5 sat on the couch we decided to talk about yearstday and Eve told us
"Well--umm-- idk if I should tell I m lasbian " she said we all went to a shock we asked her so many questions I think she couldn't ans them all
"So that girl Nina I like her but she doesn't know you can say love at first sight I meet her at the fair when win went to have fun with his friend Ren so that day I was alone and I meet Nina I fall for her idk from the first day we meet we become good friends but I told het everything because I taught she is the right person to share every feelings with her I cannot keep everything with me my whole life and I told Nina also about this but I didn't told I had a crush oh her" Eve said

Well all understood herr we didn't want to make het uncomfortable we all supported her then win said "well--- I also have something to say"
"Yes win tell" I said
"Well--- i---i am bisexual" win said
"WHAT!" We all said we were in shock
"So the guy Ren my childhood friend I have a crush on him for childhood that is why Liami I told you everything about him, well we are both dating and you will guys not know about it I Guess " win said

We all understood both of them well it's okay to be LGBTQ well in Thailand there are many people like that and Thailand people are okay with that we had no problem with both of them we accept their decision because Love is love and I hope the person they love they will be happy with them because I think loving someone who always leaves you in pain is a stupid thing well I am doing the same thing, I am loving someone who will leave me in pain but I tell you there is also fate in this world anything can happen

"Uhh you both Also have someone now I am also left but Liami you are also there now don't tell me you also like that guy krist" Max said
well I taught to tell them my story also

"So guys I also have one so u all know Krist I have feelings for him you can say the first day I saw him in the fair I fall for him like how eve fell for Nina" they all didn't get shock what I said
"Why u all didn't get shocked?" I asked
"Well we already know about it" Ben said
"How" I asked
They all laughed and stare at me maybe they had a douth
"Well Nina and krist are childhood friends" I Said
"What!" Nina asked while standing from the couch this time she was shock
"It's okay calm down Nina didn't told anything to anyone and she will not tell I talked to her" I said
She calmed down and she sat on the couch so I told him the whole story about me and krist I also told about last night but I didn't told that the girl who Krist like is Nina because Eve might get broken

"I think Eve should tell her feelings to Nina or else it might be to late" I said
"Yeah you are right" all said
"And what about you?" Win said
"Well I will try to move on" I Said

Well my friends all told them their identity to their love one and here I m afraid to tell but what happened if I tell and everything gets worst but I think I should wait for some day's then I'll tell him everything even that I like him or maybe not

We got a call it is from Louis he told there are some creatures again attacked the park we all five ran there with our gun and everything we were in our black agent clothes again

We all went at the park we finally reached there......

To be continued.......

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