12🥀- Aaditya's gift

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Guys I have republished the book after fixing the book and correcting all the errors so pls vote and comment. Thank you for all those who are supporting, do hit the follow button...enjoy reading lovelies!💗💗

Aaditya's pov-

We all sat at our places While Ragini sat beside me
The food was being served and she seemed a little nervous might be because It's her first meal she has cooked in here

I looked at my plate and the dessert catches my attention immediately
My favourite but I suddenly remembered what happened last time. I hope that was a one time prank and is not happening again, ever!

I start with taking the first bite from the kheer praying it's not adulterated this time or else I'll have to give up on my favourite dessert
As soon as it hit my taste buds all the flavours burst in my mouth, it was perfect, the sugar ,the dry fruits and saffron, everything was perfectly balanced and it was indeed appreciable but I kept a poker face coz I knew she'd been waiting for my reaction I looked at her and said
"Ragini, eat the food before it gets cold"

Her face instantly drops and I feel as if I shouldn't have done that to her but then she cheers up when everyone compliment her
"The Kheer is absolutely wonderful"
Said Bhai-sa

"I knew it ,didn't I tell you ragini It's The best"
Bhabhi-sa followed up and even gave her a thumbs up

"Ji Bhabhi-sa, I dont know about the kheer but these cutlets are really so good, now I'll have this everytime"
Rajveer tried to speak while stuffing himself with the cutlets she'd made

It was good to know she remembered details about everyone she'd made the kheer with less sugar first for it to be served to Badi-maa first as she eats in her room and has sugar and even made something else for rajveer as he doesn't eat sweets.
She's getting comfortable with Everyone slowly and It's good to know she realises her duties before hand and is also taking care of everyone
I Hope She's not feeling lonely as someone will always be there to keep her company.

After washing our hands Bhabhi-sa and Bhai-sa asked the servants to bring something ,they gave Ragini lot of gifts, ornaments, clothes and makeup for her first meal as It's a tradition
Rajveer gifted Ragini a book

"I hope you like it Bhabhi-sa"

"I love it devarsa, thank you so much how did you know I like reading books"

Her does some gestures with his fingers and says 'abra ka dabra'
"Umm I have magical powers Bhabhi-sa"

Everyone started laughing as he continued acting as if he actually had Some magical powers
"No no just kidding Bhabhi-sa I asked Nandini to help me out and she'd suggested me this"

We all head towards our room afterwards to rest and do our work

I make my way to our chamber while Ragini heads off to a destination, possibly choosing any place to avoid me. She's still unfamiliar with all corners of the palace. I understand she might be upset because I didn't compliment her, but I intended to do so privately in our room.

I quietly follow her, watching her each and every move, and she remains unknown to my presence, starting to murmur to herself.

"I made it specially for him. He's so rude and arrogant. How can someone be so weird? Does he even have a heart? At least he should've said 'Ragini, it's nice.' But no. I don't even think he likes me. Then why did he even marry me!? First, he makes me upset and then holds my hand as if nothing happened!!"

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