🩸Mysteries and Mythics (pt.33)🩸

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(A/N, if the editing is sloppy i deeply apologize😭i wrote this chapter in like two nights, and edited the same day. I'll go back and fix things later, thanks lol.)

Samantha gave me a smile. "How have things been going? Anything exciting going on lately?"

For the record, she was wearing pink eyeshadow. Her skin was still a sunny brown, and her hair was still in bouncy coils a little below her shoulders.

My leg was shaking as I sat down across from her. I tried to make it stop, but couldn't. My heart was consistently making desperate pangs for Cleo.


I thought for a moment. Then I thought back to the car drive. When I'd found out that Cleo actually could drive.

She told me that she'd said she didn't know how to drive because she'd wanted me to do things by myself.

When I hadn't been completely freaking out that her hand was rubbing my thigh the whole drive, I did actually catch a few words she had said.

"Cleo said she was taking me somewhere, earlier."

She nodded, briefly looking down to her clipboard, "That's great, you'll have to tell me how it goes next time, if you'd like to." She smiled.

"I will." I answered quietly.
"Is there anything you'd like to talk about?" Samantha asked.

I looked down towards my feet, shaking my head. "No, I'm okay."

I lied, a little. My biggest worry was about Cleo, I wanted to make sure she was okay. But Samantha didn't need to know that, nor did she probably care.

I blinked back tears, trying to ignore my desperation to hold her. My hand immediately shot up for her necklace that hung around my neck.

She softened her voice. "What's been making you feel better, do you think?"

"I'm not sure, not really. M...maybe the weather."
"You like the rain," she hummed.

I nodded, glancing up. "I read a lot when it rains."

"Good, good. What do you like to read?"

"I read..everything,"
"Everything?" She queried, her eyebrows raised. "That's quite a lot."

I forced a small snort.

"Or I should say...What do you find yourself reading the most?" She prompted.

"Fantasy, mostly, sometimes mystery." My hands calmly fell to my lap.

She smiled and nodded, clicking her pen open.

"B-but not like...scary mystery. I don't like murder mysteries. I-I'm not a big fan of blood and I like unicorns, fairies, and-"

I quickly bit my lip, worried I was rambling. My hands reached back for the necklace. The pit in my stomach settled again, like a huge knot of metal.

Samantha looked up at me from her clipboard, a subtle happy look still spread across her face. "It's okay, please continue, if you'd like, Marine."

"Um...I like mythical, magical things."

"Can you place why you enjoy it so much?"

"I'm not...quite sure. It takes me out of the real world, I guess. A lot of the time, I just don't want to deal with my life." I said quietly as I ran my index finger across the fabric of my tights.

"So, unicorns?"
I nodded. "It's childish, I know." I muttered.

"I don't think so. You're an adult, reading about unicorns. That technically makes it adultery, don't you think?"

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