🩸Test For Fear (pt.50)🩸

302 10 14

~July 3rd, 2028~

Theo harshly pressed his markers into the white paper until they bled through, the blue being particularly bad. At least they were washable.

"Sweetheart, we have to take Mama to the airport, remember?"

He didn't even look up at me.

"Airport." He repeated, which was more of "Awhpo."

"That's right," I told him. He was incredibly smart, even if he didn't want to talk most times.

"Already?" Melanie whined. She ran over to me and grabbed onto my tights.
"Please don't do that, lovely, you'll rip them." I picked her up.

She just mumbled something and began to suck on her thumb again.

Cleo was upstairs pulling her final belongings together, and I was busy trying to figure out how I was going to take care of two toddlers for three days all by myself.

She quickly came downstairs, the floor thumping.

"Are you done?" I asked, kissing Melanie's cheek.
She sighed, "Yes."

"Okay," I let out a sigh, as well. "I'll get their toys for the car, then...w-we can go."

"Marine?" She said my name sternly. It caught my attention.


"You're going to be okay."

"Oh, no...I-I know that," I said quietly, putting Melanie down and lightly shaking out my arms.

"Say it again."

"I'm going to be okay?"
"Yes, you will."

I grabbed onto her necklace that still pressed against my chest, even having survived toddler and newborn grabby hands. I nodded.

I quickly went to the living room, each grabbing Melanie and Theo a doll, their favorite ones, and I grabbed Theo his rabbit plush, which he seemed to have an emotional attachment to.

It had been one of the first words he'd ever said. "Bu-bu" was short for "Bun-bun" which was short for "bunny."

Toddler language.

"Are we all ready, then?" Cleo asked.

I nodded, and Melanie quickly sped out the door. She was about to go after her to get her into her car seat, but Theo wobbled over to her and held his drawing up as high as his little arm would let him, just below her waist.

"Is this for me?"

He did nothing.

She smiled and gently took it out of his hand.
"Thank you, my sweet boy."

He reached his hands up again, wanting to be picked up.

"Okay, okay, let's get you into your car seat." She picked him up and held him in one hand, pressing him to her side, the drawing in her other.

I quickly followed after them, while Cleo helped him get into his I did so with Melanie, and she took the driver's seat.

"Can I see it?" I asked once we were settled in the car.

She nodded and handed it to me.

I took it and stared at the bleeding markers for a few seconds.

It was messy for sure, a bunch of scribbles, mostly in vibrant blues and oranges, though I could see circles here and there. I was sure in his little head though, it all made perfect sense.

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