Chapter 17 : Has To Be Done

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I shake my head. I can't stay here. If it was bugged, if Olsen wants all of us dead, he'll be sending them here, right now. But would he really bug a gift? I let go of my head and look down at the smashed watch, quickly kneeling down, I sift through the mixed glass and metal pieces.

Gears, coils, wheels, what used to be the hands. There's nothing resembling a microphone, or computer parts. Not even wires. I sweep the metal hands away from the rest of the pile and I wince. It was sharper than it looked. I pull my hand up and watch as blood starts to ooze out of the new slit in my middle finger. I grimace as I apply pressure with my thumb and I shake my head. I say aloud, "There wasn't even a bug in it." I stand to my feet and look around the shop.

Even if it was just a watch, it's not safe here. They already attacked this place earlier today. They could come back. This time they'll see me. They'll kill me.

I jog over the dried puddle of blood and turn the corner to find the gun rack empty. I remember Merrick got ammo and pistols out of the drawers too. I yank open the metal drawers of what used to hold mechanic's tools before the war, but now they're empty. I grab the next drawer with my left hand and my finger splits open as I yank the handle. I wince and push the cut closed, holding it to my chest as I pull the rest of the drawers with my right hand. Three drawers later and I yank open the last one; and a single bullet rolls towards me.

I sigh. I pick up the silver bullet and caress it between my fingers. Now all I need to find is a gun. I bring the bullet to my lips as I close my eyes.

Where do I go now? Who can I trust?

Arden's curly red hair comes to mind and I jog out of the Auto shop. I pocket the bullet. The Library closes at 7pm. I left Olsen just after 6:15. Please be open! The plea circles my mind as I run down Sycamore Avenue. Passing the streets as I look for Conrad in the dark.

Damsel... Dale... Maple... Juniper... Higgins... Street lamps are lit now. Alder... Conrad.

I turn on the street and I'm met with couples of teenagers, scattered around the sidewalk. I slow down to a calm walk as I study their faces for suspicion. They turn to each other and one coyly whispers something in the other's ear. They laugh and walk past me. I'm in the clear. I look across the street and see all the brick homes turn into buildings. A musical instrument shop with their lights off. A small furniture store, lights off. I pick up the pace as I lean around the people, trying to get a better view of the Library.

The tall building peaks above all those around it, its brick staircase leading to its glass double doors. With light emanating from inside. Thank God, spills out of my lips. I pick up my speed, not caring about the people around. I run up the steps and I slow down on the landing. My hands wrap around the metal handle and I pull. It resists. I yank. It knocks against the lock. I sigh. I look around the lobby, for signs of life. Hoping Arden's still inside, his nose buried in a book... but I see no one. Not even a moth.

It's okay, we know where he lives, remember? I think to myself to keep the anxiety away. I let go of the handle and with my left hand on the glass door, I take in one last breath of the Library. This isn't the end. It's just a detour. I nod and turn around. Closing my eyes I go back to yesterday, in the Library, when Arden told me where he lives.

"3006 North Friesian." Arden's voice echoes in my mind, "But it's not exactly a place you'd want to visit. It's just that way, walk on Conrad until you hit Friesian Avenue..." I open my eyes and walk down the Library steps onto the concrete sidewalk. The sidewalks are bare now, except for a few scattered leaves. I walk back the way I came and cross Sycamore as the lights behind me stretches into darkness ahead of me.

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