Werewolf Wednesday: Meet Heather Miller, author of the Lost Luna Series

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October 25, 2023

Mystery, romance, and supernatural intrigue—the Lost Luna Series has garnered millions of reads for a reason. With a combination of thrilling plot twists, complex characters, and a richly imagined universe, the Lost Luna Series has left readers eagerly awaiting each new instalment. For our final Werewolf Wednesday of the season, we chatted with Wattpad writer Heather Miller (XDeafening_SilenceX) about the inspiration behind the series and what drew her to exploring the world of werewolves.

Read on for an exclusive interview with Heather and learn more about the enchanting world she's created within the Lost Luna Series.

Q: What inspired you to write Lost Luna? 

Lost Luna was never truly planned. As an existing writer on Wattpad, I always wrote something. Whether it got read or not, I didn't think twice about posting it. I remember when Wattpad used to be this large social thing as a teenager, all my friends and their friends were on it, and I'd just write for fun.

So, one night I had a dream that I actually remembered, and the next morning I wrote it down. It was funnily enough the coffee scene at the very beginning. From there, I thought about other storylines I've had in my mind and shoved them all together to hope for the best.

I suppose you could say Lost Luna is a dream come true! Because that's how it all started! I just turned my dreams into a story and kept on writing a story I thought people would like. It starts off cliché, because let's face it, a lot of werewolf books can be, but I realized I didn't want too much cliché. That's why I changed it up a bit. After going through a tough time, my opinion on my writing changed, and that brought in the distancing from Phoenix, the lycan trope, etc, and turned what would've been a romance novel, into more of a 'self-discovering' type of love.

Q: What is so encapsulating about the werewolf genre and werewolf folklore?

For me, it's the alternate world. Where the burdens of everyday life are left behind, and instead things become so much more interesting. Werewolves and other fantastical creatures alike, all have their own little world, stories and characters and I always loved a book that wasn't too realistic. I sought out books of this kind because I wanted to get away from reality, not feel too suck-ish that my life isn't like the rom-com books. Fantasy takes you to a whole new place, and I love that.

Q: What's your favorite werewolf story and why? (It can be a movie, tv series, or book)

AHHHHH you can't ask me that. I cannot choose!!!!If we go back in time fourteen years, I would say Twilight. It is so cringe as a movie, but I adored the books to the point I read them five times in a couple of years.

But if you ask me that now, I honestly cannot choose. I love so many books for so many reasons, but Twilight was definitely the turning point. I think a lot of people my age could agree because when that series came out, for me, it was the first fantasy world that got me hooked. I was always team-werewolf, so despite it being a vampire series, it has to be that one.

However, I do enjoy the writings of fellow Wattpad authors Cayleigh Kennedy, and InviWright. They write some amazing werewolf/shifter novels, ones that are away from the norm too which is always great to read.

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