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"Hey dad?" I ask as I walk into my father, Ryan Reynolds's room.

"What's up Dellie?" He answers, placing his phone on his and mom's bed.

"I was just wondering...do you think I could start acting again?" I question nervously.

"I thought you didn't want to be an actor anymore?" He reminds me. "Besides, you already have so much on your plate."

"I know, I know. But I was thinking...I kind of wanna quit gymnastics." I say quietly.

"You want to quit gymnastics?" My mom, Blake, came in from their bathroom.

"It's not fun anymore mom!" I defend my decision. "And I want to start acting again."

"Blake, if she doesn't want to do gymnastics anymore then she doesn't have to." My dad tells her.

"Thanks dad!" I smile widely.

"So you want to start acting again, huh kid?" My dad raises an eyebrow.

I nod vigorously. "Please?"

"Alright, I'll talk to my agent. We have your headshots from last week, so I can get everything situated so you can start auditioning for roles." My dad sat up on his bed.

"Really? Thank you so much dad!" I ran into his arms and hugged him.

"So does this mean you'll finally let me meet your new actor friends?" I ask.

"The only one you haven't met is Walker." He tells me.

"Then I wanna meet him!" I argue. "I know all your Marvel friends already, it's only fair I get to meet him too."

"I don't know, I don't want you falling in love with him." He jokes.

"Dad, I don't even know this kid." I roll my eyes.

"You don't know him yet." He corrects me.

"Wait you're gonna let me meet him?" I sat up next to him.

"Yeah, you need more friends your age." He pats me on the head.

"Yay!" I cheer and hug him again.

"I'll text him and set up something with you two." He agrees. "Now go to bed, it's like 11."

"Goodnight dad." I hug him.

"Goodnight Dellie." He kisses me on the top of my head.

"Night mom." I call toward the bathroom.

"Night honey." She calls back as I left the room.


I plug my phone in and put it on my nightstand before getting into my bed. I roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling.

I can't believe my parents are actually going to let me pursue acting again. I know I still have volleyball clubs to go to but eventually the season will be over and I'll be able to act more.

I also can't believe they finally let me quit gymnastics. My mom is my coach, and it used to be so much fun. But for a few months now it's been super boring because I learned everything my mom knew and had nothing else to do anymore.

I was so excited to start auditioning for roles again. Before I quit acting I played a reoccurring role as Jade's little sister, Vada West, in the show Victorious

That role was what started my singing career, and I now practice with a professional vocal coach.

I also played the lead role of Scarlett McCoy in a movie called Different Dimensions.

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