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It was now 8:30 am and we were all currently in the car, on the way to my volleyball gym for a long day of tournaments.

Walker had a late flight, so he didn't have to be at the airport until 8:30 pm, in 12 hours.

I was in the passenger seat, Walker behind me next to Mo-who was in the middle since she's the shortest of them-and Aryan on the other side.

Mo had the aux for once, since Walker has it everytime we're in a car.

We arrived at the MVD gym and we got out of the car-around 8:45 now-and I immediately went into the locker room to change into my jersey. I didn't want to before we got in the car, sue me.

2 teams had already secured their final spot, Purple in 6th and Green in 5th.

Before we even got in the car earlier, James told us that he had torn his ACL, so he couldn't play, and Jenna was sick. He'd still be there, just couldn't play in the game, so we were down 2 players.


Travis, Brandy, Josh, Lily, Brett, and Payton were out on the court as our 1st set starting six, and they were struggling against the white team.

Not like they couldn't get the ball, but that Lily, Brandy, and Brett didn't work together in the front row to block, so spikes kept getting through.

It came time for Scarlett and I to switch in, Scarlett in the middle with Brandy on the left and me on the right, closer to the stands.

It was Travis's serve, and with Scarlett and I blocking, we got our score back up quickly.


After we won the game, we still had about 2 and a half hours before we had another, and during this time Red was playing against Blue.

I went up to the stands where my friends were with my parents and laid at Walker and Mo's feet.

"Tired?" Mo chuckled, looking down at me.

"I woke up and then had a game an hour later, so yeah." I grumbled, drinking some of my water.

"We got you a gatorade." Walker offered, holding the blue drink out to me.

"Who's we?" I said, looking up at him and Mo.

"Ok it was me and Walker, but in everyone else's defense...yeah they have no defense." Aryan laughed as I took the drink from Walker.

"Well thanks anyways." I laughed softly, taking a large sip.

"Well you did great." McKenna smiled. "I think your teammates might need to work on jumping the net."

"Oh, honey." I giggled at her wording of it, putting the cap on my gatorade.

"It's blocking girl." Walker added, making Kenna laugh in embarrassment as Javon and Aryan teased her.

"In other news." Travis said, walking up and sitting beside me. "That puts Purple in 6th, Green in 5th, and White in 4th. Red's going to win this, so blue is gonna be 3rd. Then we're going for the crown."

"How do you know Red's going to win?" Abby asked from her spot beside Mo.

"Because they have Brady Noon. He may be a bit shorter than his teammates, but he has a high vertical and he can move." Lily explains, joining us.

"That's him right there, number 4 on the red team." Brandy says, pointing down at the court.

The guy she pointed at was wearing a black jersey, meaning he's a librero for his team. And I could see why, he moved across the court super fast. Like blink and he teleports.

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