Chapter 28

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The perilous, pitch-black sky was roaring vociferously growling incessantly

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The perilous, pitch-black sky was roaring vociferously growling incessantly. It was a bleak and stormy night.

It was truly pouring cats and dogs with the amount of rainfall that was tumbling down. It was as if the furious sky was pouring down its fury in the shape of rain and its rage in the form of a thunderstorm.

It was an extremely gloomy night. Not a single street light was working. The immense darkness surrounded the entire road due to the power cut-off because delivering electricity on such a stormy night was unsafe, every mile of the route was shrouded in darkness.

Vehicles' headlights were on and gleaming, illuminating the road for the drivers. Rainy days made the road extremely slick, forcing people to drive cautiously and slowly.

The sound of footsteps was heard. On the sidewalk, Ruhanika was moving quickly. Due to the rapid change in the direction of the rain, her suit bottom was already partially soaked up to her knee. She was holding an old-style black umbrella in an attempt to shield herself from the rain.

She attempted to phone a taxi or an auto-rickshaw, but it was bad luck since on rainy days, public transportation is basically inaccessible. If you manage to find one in this grizzly weather, it will be a miracle in itself. She looked at her phone and saw that it was about 9 p.m.

Her heart pounded because she was already running late and wasn't receiving any means of transportation. As soon as possible, she needed to get home. When she prayed to God, the rain turned from a torrent to a light drizzle. She exhaled a sigh of relief and walked a few more meters before attempting to reach her father and brother once more.

But once more, their phone was busy, and the other one was off. She shut her umbrella as the rain was almost over and continued walking down the road that was mostly unoccupied.

When her phone rang, she answered it right away. It was her father who called. She let out a sigh of relief and told him about the tutoring session her friend had asked for. When a brief flash of light blinded and clouded Ruhanika's vision while they were conversing, she instinctively closed her eyes and shielded them with her right palm.

When a loud blaring horn resounded and a car was coming right at her at full speed, she opened her eyes. As she took in the scene, her breath caught and her feet instantly stopped moving. Her father's words were no longer audible to her, and her eyes became larger. Her five senses were loosing it strength and the phone from her hand fell down.

When the driver of the car suddenly turned the steering wheel, it abruptly changed course, swerved into the other lane, and slammed with another vehicle. The second vehicle subsequently veered and tumbled across the road.

Ruhanika's soul shook as she witnessed her scene, her spine shuddered, her legs stiffened, and no sound came out of her mouth. Soon after, the spark ignited, and both cars slowly caught fire. Although her vision was fuzzy, she could make out a few individuals rushing and approach.

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