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"He'd have a bright future as a model."

My eyes skipped over Erex, landing on the worker who spoke.

Eve stood in front of me with my order, placing it on the table and then sliding into the seat opposite mine.

I glanced at the coffee and rose a brow at the latina.

"I have a break and you seemed lonely." She explained.

"I'm not." I let my lips curve upwards slightly so it wouldn't seem too rude.

Eve sipped on her own iced tea and shrugged, "Don't care. I wanted to talk to you so here I am."

"I don't know you though." I mused, though not in any way to scare her off. That wouldn't do.

"Hi, I'm Eve Masters. This is a short-term job. You're really pretty. Your name is Kaya, you live in the Orchid Apartments and are Rex's neighbor."

"Stalker much?" I blinked, feigning astonishment.

She laughed softly, "I'm kind of friends with Rex and half the frequent customers here are from the neighbourhood. I hear things."

"I see."

"Yeah, anyways so. Here I am."

I tilted my head in mock confusion even as I hazarded a guess, "Why?" I asked, my eyes flitting back to observe Erex as he sat on the other side of Emile's and scrolled on his phone.

"That is why." Eve snickered, her brown tresses gathered in a low ponytail. This time, I raised both brows. She waved her hand dismissively, "Rex. You watch him with such detail and attention, I figured I'd help you out in pursuing him if you wanted."


The fact that I watched Erex so much wasn't hidden. I wanted him to be aware of my gaze upon him and create a sense of unnatural connection while carrying out the mission. I also intended for someone or the other to note and be mislead the same way Eve was so that I could get some outsider help in luring Erex.

"You're overthinking it." I grabbed the coffee but didn't drink it. I couldn't be sure if she tampered with it or not.

"Mhm." She took a long drag of her iced tea before leaning closer. "Look, you can deny if you want but you're at least slightly interested in him. Yes or no?"

I put on a contemplative face and proceeded to look away from her eyes.

The picture perfect actions of someone who doesn't want to lie. Breaking eye contact. Unsure misery woven into explorative intrigue.

"He slammed the door on my face when we first met, I don't think that endeared me to him much."

Eve's eyebrows jumped and she chuckled softly, "That happened?"

I nodded, my multi-colored eyes going back to Erex.

Except this time he was watching me too and when our eyes locked, his brow quirked up slightly. His attention even from accross the room sent me into a state of awareness. But this was a strategic game I was playing, eye contact and its impact on the human brain could have some truly fascinating results and therein lay one of my skills.

Eve glanced back, following my line of sight and waved at Erex before turning back to me. "Yeah, I can give you some pointers and help out. He's a regular here and I know his habits."

"What's in it for you though?" I narrowed my eyes slightly to convey my suspicion.

Well, fake suspicion.

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