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"Why are you here?"

"I wanted to hang out."

"And I said no."

"But I was already here."

I stared at her and rose a brow, arms folded.

She smiled as if she were innocent and waved the beer cans and pizza box in her hands. "I come bearing food?"

"This is stalking."

"This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship which will transcend everything that-"

"Yeah, okay, move."

Eve widened her doe eyes, blowing away a strand of hair that obstructed her view and rested her ass against the door to my apartment.


"Kaya." She mimicked.

I wasn't bothered by this and neither did it infuriate me. I was indifferent to her approaching me. I didn't particularly care to find out if her actions were genuine or not but I did know it couldn't interfere with my mission and so I had to at least mimic a genuine reaction.

I commented off-handedly, "Were you crying?"

She blinked, "No."

"Are you in danger?"

"Of loneliness, yes." She sighed pitifully.

I nodded. "Then there's no reason for you to be here."

Eve furrowed her brows, "Do I need to be crying or in danger in order to visit a friend?"

"We're not friends." I let out a sigh, feeling dead on the inside. "And if you were crying or in danger, it'd be different."

Friends. What a foreign concept.

"We can be friends, though." She beamed and splayed her arms as wide as she could while juggling two boxes of pizzas that I could smell, "This is how it begins."

"Why are you here?" I looked heavenwards and questioned her again. "Setting camp in front of my door and barging into my life won't make us friends." I deadpanned.

She pouted. "I thought we were more than strangers after we managed to defeat the villainous Regina Flies."

I nodded, "We are more than strangers. It's called being acquaintances." I dryly responded.

She snickered. "SO let's take the next step, no?" Her arms must have been aching a bit and she shifted on her feet.

"No." I stepped forward, "Now, move."

She swallowed thickly and I paused, my keys in my hand as we locked eyes. 

She shifted again and finally I could open the door. 


I paused and glanced at her as she clenched her legs and cleared her throat, her bronze skin flushing slightly.

I groaned outwardly. 

"Could I, at least, use the restroom?" Her lower lip trembled. "Pleeaaase?"

My eyebrow twitched of its own accord, not a calculated response. Then I sighed on cue, already having figured out that I'd probably have to spend some time with her. But allowing it easily would've seemed suspicious.

"Sure." I sighed, opening the door further.

She beamed at me and came in, quickly putting the food on the table.

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