Little Amity(Requested)

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Little age:1

Amity was very scared where this would lead to. She had failed a test for the first time, she only got 65%.

Odalia told her if she got any lower than 100,then there will be consequences.

So here they are in the middle of the living room.

Odalia is scolding Amity about her test.

"I mean how could you possibly be this Useless" Odalia told her harshly.

"But I" she stuttered

"Don't you dare talk back to me" Odalia hissed slapping Amity's cheek.

"Go to your room" Odalia said.

"There's a lot more where that came from"

"NO! You are not beating our child" Alador said.

"Wha-Alador!" Odalia exclaimed.

"No I have had it with you" he snapped.

Amity went to her room and started to cry.

"Mittens can we come in" she heard Emira said.


Emira and Edric both came in and sat on the side of the bed.

Edric:Dad said you can go to the owl house for a few days while he deals with Odalia".

Amity is surprised that Edric called mo-Odalia by her first name.

Amity:ou idn't call her mom? ".

Amity hope that her siblings didn't catch her lisped.

Edric:Of course not that word is to kind for her".

Emira:Now here's your bad we packed you a few things".

Amity:like what? "

Edric:Clothes, your favorite snacks, toothbrush and toothpaste, oh and also your Cat stuff barrie".

"Thanks guys, you guys really care about me and I care about you too even if your a pain in my a**" Amity told them before getting the bag and saying "bye".

On the way to the owl house, Amity could feel herself slipping more and more but tries to repress it.

By the time she got to the owl house she had already regress.

"otty s Wuz? I mean Luz" Amity asked.

"Yes hoot hoot, let me get her hoot hoot" Hooty told her.

She heard footsteps getting closer then the door opened.

"Ami!What are you doing here, not that I don't want you here" Luz said then quickly reassured her.

"Stay?" Amity asked with one word.

"huh? How about you come inside and tell me what's wrong?" Luz asked.

Amity nodded then went inside.

Luz looked over to Amity concern and saw she was sucking her tumb looking around.

Then Luz recognize this behavior because she does it.

"Amity? How old are you?" she asked.

Amity putted up one finger then put her hand back down.

'Thank God I have little space items for one year olds' She thought.

"Okay, do you want me to picked you up?" Luz asked.

Amity nodded yes.

"Okay, up we go" Luz said picking her up on her hip then walking upstairs to her room once here she put Amity down then locked the door.

"Okay, let's see" Luz said taking out her little face Items.

"Okay do you see anything you like?" Luz asked her softly.

Amity looked around until her eyes land on a cat stuffy.

"Itty!" She said happily.

"Oh, that I was planning on giving that as a gift on valentines day even tho you guys don't celebrate it" Luz explained.

"Nwew frwiend for barrie" she said taking out her black Cat stuffy.

"Yep! And he looks like ghost as well since it's white" Luz said giving it to her.

"Tank ou" Amity said thumb still in her mouth.

Ah, ah,how about I go wash you a paci? " Luz told her. Amity nodded yes and Luz got up and went to the kitchen sink to wash it.

After she came back upstairs.

" Open here, you go, no more sucking on your thumb"Luz said putting the Pacifier in her mouth.

They spend the rest of the day Watching TV and playing until during one of the games, Amity felt the urge to use the washroom but decided against it.

Until it was too late Amity was frozen in fear of what, Luz might think since she's watching her.

"Sweet potato?" Luz called.

That was the last straw for Amity to start to start crying.

"Hey, hey it's okay, how about we get you clean up?" Luz asked her.

"Not mad?"

"Nunca podría estar enojado contigo, prince's" ("I could never be mad at you princess") Luz reassured her then lift her up.

After bathing Amity(With consent of course)

She asked if she could put her in a diaper. Amity said yes and they both went to bed cuddling each other.

Not mine

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Not mine. Credits to the original artist for this masterpiece.

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