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A/N: I'm 50% deaf irl so this was fun to make, btw ur John B's twin and ur already dating JJ (:

I'm deaf so over the years I've taught the pogues sign language, I'm also good at reading lips but I like sign language better. I decided it would be cool to throw a kegger. They're my favorite. "Do you guys want to throw a keg?" I sign to the pogues as they all watch my hands. I see them allsign agreements.

*3 hours later*

It's about 2 hours into the kegger. Everyone on the island knows I'm deaf and they also know I know how to read lips. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and I quickly spin around. It's Rafe Cameron. I hate him, I also hate when people, especially Rafe tap my shoulder. It's scares me.

"Wanna beer?" He asks as I read his lips. I shake my head no and look away. Rafe keeps on tapping me and saying rude stuff to me. "I already have a beer." I sign to him, he then furrows his brows "I don't know what your saying deaf girl." He states as I read his lips. I nod and then walk over to JJ and John B.

"Rafe keeps bothering me and asking if I want a beer, even though I already have one. Can you tell him to go away?" I sign to the boys, they quickly walk over to Rafe who is already glaring at us. "Yo can you leave me girlfriend alone?" I see JJ say to Rafe. "Wait.. shit... can your girl not speak up for herself?" Rafe asks sarcastically, specifically emphasizing the word 'speak'.

I then see JJ start to get mad. "Bro if you don't shut up-" I see JJ say to Rafe, "What? What are you gonna do? Sign to me?" I see Rafe say, cutting off JJ mid sentence. Suddenly JJ socks Rafe right in the jaw. I see John B shouting something at JJ, I'm guessing he's yelling stop but it's hard to tell.

I try to go in between them which was a stupid idea because I get punched by Rafe. I fall to the ground harshly, I look up and see that JJ is even more pissed than before. John B quickly runs over and helps me up. Now, there's a whole fucking crowd around them, I'm assuming they're all chanting 'fight' or something.

I feel my forehead and there's blood. Kie and Pope see me and quickly bring me far away from the fight. Normally I'd fight Rafe, we've fought many times actually but JJ got to it before me this time. After a lot of shoves and punches Jb finally breaks up the fight with Topper and Kelce's help.

John B guides us all to the car. We're all in the car waiting for Jb to drive away. "You didn't have to do that for me JJ I could of fought him you know?" I sign to JJ "yeah I know but he needs to know he can't get off saying shit like that." JJ signs back. JJ is pretty untouched he has some blood on his lip but other than that he's fine, which I'm very thankful for.

Rafe on the other hand.. let's just say he definitely lost the fight. We all get home and I walk into my room and shut the door. I rake through my hoodies until I find JJ's. I slip it on and then get into bed. A few minutes later I see JJ flickering the lights on once and off once. He always does that so he doesn't have to tap me, when people tap me it scares the shit outta me.

"Are you ok Yn? Your heads bleeding a little." JJ signs to me "yeah I'm all good, the asshole has a weak punch anyways" I sign referring to Rafe. I see JJ laugh. I then sign "I love you, goodnight." To JJ. He then signs it back. We then cuddle and fall asleep.

A/N: I know I'm not 100% deaf like Yn is in this story, but I still think this was a cool thing to write. I hope you guys enjoyed, If you have any suggestions lmk!

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