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A/N: you're Sarah Cameron's twin and you're dating JJ!

I'm currently in my room, well, not voluntarily. My Dad locked me and Sarah in our rooms— I'm not sure why. I'm playing my guitar to keep my mind off of it.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my window. I look over and see JJ. "JJ?" I breathe out with a smile as I quickly put my guitar back in it's place.

"I'm busting you out— I also need to tell you something important." He says as I lift the window up.

"What about Sarah?" I ask as I climb out of the window, JJ helping me.

"Kie's getting her." JJ simply says.

We quietly walk over to the lattice that's on the side of my house. We climb down it and run behind a big bush.

"What's up, JJ?" I ask as I push my hair behind my ear.

"I don't have much time to explain. We have to go soon, but basically, your Dad attacked John B when they went fishing— because John B found out that your Dad killed Big John." He quickly says as I listen to his words closely.

"That can't be true— my Dad said that John B attacked him." I shake my head, defending Ward.

John B is one of the most nicest people I've ever met. I don't think he attacked my Dad, but I also don't think my Dad attacked him. I especially don't think that my Dad killed Big John.

"It is true. Cmon Yn, you have to believe me!" JJ practically pleads in a whisper.

"No, no, no, don't lie JJ!" I stutter, my vision clouding with big tears.

"I'm not! He killed Big John over the gold and found out that we found it... but he got mad that John B didn't wanna share it!" He states. "It makes complete sense!" He adds.

"You liar!" I mutter, realizing that he's right but not wanting to accept it.

My Dad has always been greedy. He's always cared about our family's image and doesn't want people to know the truth. I've started to notice that people respect him because they're scared of him, not because he's a good man.

"Yn— please believe me." JJ begs, getting sad.

"Liar! Liar! Liar!" I repeat as I start to cry, hitting his chest profusely. "You're lying!" I add.

"It's ok babe, it's ok!" He says as he brings me in for a hug. I try to push away but eventually give in, tears now streaming down my cheeks.

"All he does is lie." I cry, finally accepting who Ward truly is, a monster.

Our family used to be so happy, but ever since my Dad started to get crazy for that damn gold, it's all gone too shit— slowly but surely.

"It's ok." JJ soothes as I continue to cry, he holds my head.

"Sarah!? Yn!?" I hear my Dad shout frantically.

Me and JJ quickly pull away from each other, panicked looks on our faces. "We have to go." JJ whispers. We quickly run to Kie's car.

I think about how I'm leaving Sarah, hopefully she'll understand. "Get in quick." Kie says.

We hop in and shut the door behind us. I look over at John B with my slightly puffy eyes, his are puffy as well. "I'm sorry John B— I'm so sorry." I apologize, my voice breaking.

"It's not your fault." John B mumbles, pulling me in for a hug.

"We're gonna make sure he gets caught." I nod after pulling away from the hug.

A/N: this is kinda random but I realized that I haven't updated in foreverrrr so lmk if u guys wanna part two or if u guys have any suggestions! - kennadie

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