Chapter 3

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Author ∆: Another Chapter! Woooh! Enjoy reading readers! Btw the eyes above is like Irene's ☝️. Remember the Image doesn't belong to me

"H" - Talking

E - Thoughts/Thinking

"L" - Shouting

"L" - Whispers

[O] - Telepathy

H - Author speaking

I - Chapter Title/Change point of view

C2 - Realization

Irene's Pov ☆

It's been three days since the sudden mission Sysa gave me out of the blue. I understand what Elemental Powers is however I didn't know how to control or unlock it

During those three days, I trained and experimented on my skills in my Hidden World while looking for clues on what my elemental power is, while I also play and act like a child at the surface

Big brother Jay was teaching me technologies and showing me his inventions like any other day, in which I rate accordingly from its creativity and its convenience. I always enjoy spending my time with my big brother, he is funny, sweet and soft but he could be a bit... overprotective. Oh well, he is the best brother anyone could ever have so who cares?

Currently here I am in my Hidden World, standing in front of a training dummy at the middle of a large field of dirt, with training course and obstacle course surrounding me

My Hidden World is a grassland with glass growing around the field, the sky is a beautiful color of light blue as the clouds pass by slowly, creating shadows below the earth. The sun glowing softly above and the breeze blowing gently carrying clear and fresh air. There's a small mushroom house shelter not far from me, inside that mushroom house is the potion, poisons and weapons I've created over the years

It is like camping at a field in the middle of a large forest that somehow had a training course with a mushroom as a house. However as it is my skill, I have the ability to change it's appearance but I won't for now, I am satisfied with it's current appearance besides it takes a lot of energy to change it, in which I'd rather not

I took a deep breath as I concentrated on the feelings around my hand with my palms facing the dummy. I felt a tiny spark on my palms, emitting a weird tingling sensation with a tiny bit of warmth, then it disappeared before I could identify what elemental powers it is...argh so annoying

I put a palm on my face as I dragged it across my forehead in exhaustion, ugh, I've been trying so hard that I tired myself from outside until here in the inside

I groaned as I recall the time where I would doze off at dinner with my family from exhaustion, and that time where I sometimes trip on air while I help my parents with handing them their tools as they fix stuffs

I can see they are concerned by my lack of energy and want to ask me about it, but I just made up excuses about studying too much in which they believe

They knew that I study with the books they have and is a bit of a bookworm so they believe my excuse albeit hesitantly

However my big brother didn't seem to believe my excuse so I have to lie that I was having nightmares and he believes me, then he started to invite me to have a slumber party to make me feel better

We laughed, told each other made up stories, made funny faces and ate loads of snacks as we watched dramatic tragic movies

I enjoy spending time with my big brother, especially watching dramatic movies because I get to tease him about being a cry baby when he started crying, he would then bonk me on the head when I make fun of him and start tickling me, unfortunately my ticklish side is my only sole weakness

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