Chapter 8

414 15 3

Author ∆: Hi! Somehow I am alive! Yay!

"H" - Talking

E - Thoughts/Thinking

"L" - Shouting

"L" - Whispers

[Ol - Telepathy

H - Author speaking

I - Chapter Title/Change point of view

C8 - Trouble

Irene's Pov

I stared in awe at the view in front of me, it is not something to be in awe of since it is just a place full of sand and rocks, but nonetheless it looks very mysterious and I like solving puzzles

Me, the ninja and Elder Wu went to hide behind a huge boulder, looking around the place like secrets spies

Actually... If this is not a kids show, the ninja would have been spotted easily. I mean, who wears colorful gi in plain sights?

I chuckled silently to myself, looking at the expression of concentration on their faces, then move my head to look onward

Cave of Despair- the place where the Scythe of Quakes are guarded. If I remember correctly, this is where Cole's future dragon resides in to protect the Scythe of Quakes I believe

Watch towers are seen built at different angles made out of bones, clearly a work of the Skulkins to watch for some troubles during their search

If you look closely at the distance, you could see some Skulkins look through rocks in hopes of looking for the Scythe, which kinda looks stupid but also adorable

I mean, who search through small and tiny rocks for some huge and heavy Golden Scythe?

While traveling here, Elder Wu have explained to me about the Golden Weapons. I was kinda shocked when he told me earlier than I predicted he would

He told me about how we are gonna get the Golden Weapons before some Skulkins named Samukai who is Lord Garmadon's lackey

He even told me about spinjitzu! I think I earned his favor enough for him to tell me mostly the information he told the ninja

"The Caves of Despair. Samukai must be close to unearthing the Scythe of Quakes. Remember, do not use the weapon. For its power is too much for a mere mortal to handle" Elder Wu advised and reminded the ninja

I felt a large grin form on my face when Jay actually listened and did not disturb Elder Wu's reminders like in the episode. I don't know if it's a bad thing but I think it is good for him

"Alright, guys-" Jay glance at my large grin

"- and little sis. Let's chop-socky this lemonade stand! Cole, you got the plan?" He added then proceed to look at Cole

While Cole is explaining his plan to get the Scythe of Quakes before Samukai. I was glancing at Kai who has a look of ponder

Before I could even call him out. He suddenly jump away from our hiding spot and went to another boulder

He turned to look at me, his eyes smiling sheepishly from behind his mask at being caught, but I just put a encouraging smile on my face

He gave me a salute then went to jump and hide in another boulder

I turned to the other ninja's, a little string of guilt tied itself inside my stomach when I literally encouraged Kai to go and sneak away without the others permission, I did not regret it though. However, I felt bad for not telling the others beforehand

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