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15. Letter of Resignation

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Dear Mr. Vitale,

By the time you receive this notice, I will likely be en route to the US. A family emergency has come up in New York that requires my full attention. I do not see myself returning to the UK in the foreseeable future, so, with deep regret, I must submit my letter of resignation. I intend for my last day at Jackson & James to be on the tenth of next month.

To ensure the smoothest transition possible, I will make every effort to tie up loose ends over the following two weeks, and I would be happy to assist in recruiting and training my replacement during this time.

I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to work with you and our team at Jackson & James, and I wish you all nothing but success in the future.


Aria Senarath


Cazzo Madre di Dio.

Like a goddamn fool, I have been gawking at my laptop screen for the past ten minutes, not quite knowing how to react or what I am supposed to feel.



Or something else?

Whatever it may be, there is a tightness in my chest that simply will not ease. With a creased brow, I review Aria's email for the sixth time this morning. Disbelief clouds my mind. It takes longer than necessary to process her email. Panic and disarray rule my senses.

Why does she have to leave the UK so suddenly?

The vice around my heart clenches even more. Just because I hate the woman does not mean I wish to be apart from her. I tell myself that the only reason I am upset is because I will not be able to keep a close eye on her trifling ass when we are separated by the Atlantic.

Who knows what unforgivable sins Aria will be able to commit against me overseas?

I tell myself that I will never forgive her. I tell myself that I am in no way, shape, or form worried about her well-being. I almost believe my own lies when another flood of questions swells from my internal chaos.

Is Aria in danger?

Is Juan Pablo threatening her?

Perhaps, he has managed to link the fire in his villa to me, and this is his way of sending a warning.


What happened to her family, exactly?

Instinct tells me that it probably has something to do with her father's shady ties to Manning. I reach for my phone and make a quick call to Monte. I ask him to investigate these matters for me. After I hang up, I feel even more rattled as reality sinks in. Silently, I mull over the key takeaways from her email. I am even thinking in lists. Just like her. Fuck.

1. Aria's family is in trouble.

2. Aria is quitting.

3. Aria is not coming back to me.

The third and final realization is what sends me on a downward spiral. Desperate and confused, I consider offering my help until I realize that I am falling into Aria's trap once more. My face darkens.

Fuck her.

How could she pull a stunt like this after I made it clear that I had no intention of letting her go?

I feel my blood pressure rising. I should save my sympathy for the devil. Aria could be lying about everything again for all I know. The civility and professionalism in her resignation letter is downright laughable. Aria is defying me, and I am offended by it, especially after the brutal, callous way she fucked me over. I swear on all that is unholy, the audacity of this woman will send me to an early grave.

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