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My jaw ticks several times.

Like Mamma and Papà, my sister simply cannot resist meddling in my affairs. If I was still on good terms with Aria, I would be livid with Vivi for going after my girl. There is no doubt in my mind: She intended to trap Aria's ass. Her approach is a medley of extremes. Insidious and ingenious. A headache pounds at my temples. Between Aria and my sister, the females in my life are proving to be absolute menaces. I cannot relax my guard for one second.

I side-eye my sister with disapproval. "No one asked for your help. You know people go to prison for this sort of thing, right?"

It bothers me that Vivi was trying to make a criminal out of Aria. I may be a pot calling a kettle black, especially considering the incendiary nature of my recent visit to Spain.

"It is not illegal unless Aria exploits the information for her own financial gain."

"Were you planning to turn her in to the authorities?"

Shamelessly, Vivi affirms, "Only if she proved to be a greedy, unscrupulous bitch."

I warn quietly, "Next time, mind your own business."

My sister protests, "I was looking out for you."

Typical Vivi.

I find her intentions to be both annoying and endearing when I push back, "What did you tell Aria about Sossaman-Hewitt?"

"I let her know that the CEO of Sossaman-Hewitt will be stepping down in the near future. Stocks will plummet once the media catches wind of this development."

My eyes grow wide. This gives me something to think about. First, it was the key she stole from Manning.


Aria appears to be setting up Manning and Juan Pablo for a financial downfall. This aligns with the details she revealed in her letter.

If we are patient and allow Manning to dig his own grave, Jaime will dispose of him for us.


Aria appears to be pitting them against each other. I take a moment to process everything. Little by little, my brain works out the method behind her madness. I am beginning to realize that, maybe, just maybe, her main objective in using my account to sign over the Gravinski account was not to backstab me. But to destroy Manning's credibility in Juan Pablo's eyes.

Once the Sossaman-Hewitt stocks crash, Manning must bear the brunt of the failure, and Juan Pablo will undoubtedly punish him for dumping his family's money into such a shitty investment. The moment Juan Pablo loses trust in Manning, he will start relying on Aria as his righthand woman in the investment banking industry. Her strategy is not a bad one. In fact, I kind of wish that I had thought of it. In light of this new turn, my anger toward her does not subside, but it grows still. I become quiet and contemplative. Moments ago, I thought Aria had been out to get me from day one. My perspective of her betrayal begins to tilt and shift.

Would it make you feel better if I told you that my agenda has nothing to do with helping Manning or Jaime get what they want?

I hate to admit it, but Vivi may be right. You can learn a lot about a person's character through their decisions. Maybe she did not choose Juan Pablo over me out of free will. Maybe I was not her target at all. Merely collateral damage.

Is it fair to resent Aria when her motives cannot be categorized in black or white?

This shit is more complex than a matter of broken trust. She has been operating in the gray, and gray is a color that I am beginning to understand well. Instinct insists that it may be in my best interest to set aside resentments and focus on what I can gain from her. Maybe it is a good thing that Aria is resigning from Jackson & James.

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