ENTRY EIGHT: Let The Battle Commence

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These captors were like a rival ant colony. They were ready to tear and fight from all around; wrecking havoc everywhere in the ant hill. Their goal: find, locate, take, and feast on our queen's eggs, like its a delicacy.

In this real life scenario, I'm referring to the value of this place. Just look at the rooms yourself; shimmering gold, sparkling jewelry, authentic artifacts, and many more to count. This mansion is a burglar's heaven; everything they've ever wanted to have for their selfish hands just for themselves gathered in one very place.

Anyways, loud metal clattering resonates from a distance. Heavy boots stomping on the ground; they're coming closer.

Im nervous, like very nervous. I'm shaking too much; sweat slowly dripping down my neck. I've never participated in fights before, what more in a real life and death scenario? Like a virus, a dread feeling infects my brain, hindering my ability to think straight. What if I die right here? After all, I still am 12 years old. I know nothing about warfare, and have very little to no experience in using pistols.

My second thoughts choke me, almost losing the grip of my weapon. Should I just switch to a knife? I mean I am more experienced with knives. My Dad taught me self-defense when I was younger, and now that he's gone, I'm sure he's up there, somewhere, watching me and what I'm a out to do. What's not a better time to use up my frustration so I execute what he's taught me.

I get dragged out of my mind as the thumping gets closer and louder. Rocks start to jump around because of the rapidly vibrating soil. Their marching came to a halt when they were right up on our faces. We were left with silence that solely filled our hearing. It was so quiet that you could only hear the cold breeze strolling around between the leaves of trees. Everyone just eyed each other in the opposite team.

Both armies shifted poses to be battle-ready. Even just one sword raised high can let the battle commence. Once again, the chain of silence broke when the soldiers rushed forward, attacking us head on. I took a step back, rethinking what I've gotten myself into. I should've ended the connection with the girl back at the beach... Oh well, its too late now.

I pull out my fierce knife, for self-defense of course. My Dad always told me to be aware of potential threats, and know how to prepare myself for an attack. Keeping the sharp end of my knife in front of me, I lunge straight towards a soldier, hoping for him to land a blow. To no surprise, my high expectations were not met. My nit-witted mind stroke again despite the dangerous situation. How was a knife gonna penetrate through fine metal armor? I don't know what I was thinking. The knife merely made a dent on the soldier, which makes him stare at me, menacingly. His mean look didn't last long though. A few seconds later, he lost control of himself and bursts out laughing. The one soldier acting childish soon became tens to hundreds; his laugh was infectious. This situation seems bad, but in fact, the favor was tipped on our side. This was the perfect distraction!

They laugh because of our joke, we laugh because they fell for it. Even if this was out of our plan, it's the results that count.
We all took the opportunity to use an extra blow, knocking down a greater percentile. Their men were down in great numbers. I stabbed many soldiers right where it hurt, making them lay on the floor, bleeding to death and hopeless. The sky grew dark of despair and destruction.

The field that was once filled with beauty and innocence was now a graveyard of poor souls and corpses who trailed the wrong path. I kind of feel bad for them now, even after all of the gore that they've done to my people. Anyways, they still deserve this punishment. Karma pulled them back around, giving them a taste of what we can do to them. Sadly, we couldn't defeat their ruler, he was just too good. He even quoted that this was only a small glimpse of his potential.

The remaining troops along with General Andresolo flee from the fight, leaving the poor General all by himself. He quoted himself again: "I will never surrender to such fools. Its only the beginning, after all. You let the battle commence, but I wont conclude the fight JUST yet; I wanna have more fun." He smirks, winking directly at me.

Soon, he grabs a bomb from his tool belt, throwing it up in the air. My reaction time, once again late, made me stay in one place in awe of his cool move. Meanwhile, everyone was panicking around like wimps. A loud BANG resonates from the bomb, forming smoke in the field. Is he trying to suffocate us?

This smoke was extremely deadly. As soon as I inhale the awful gas, it turned to be my last intake of air. A sticky substance similar to snot sticks on my bronchi, restricting my air flow. It was suffocating me from the inside. My lungs, together with my body, cripples, making me fall to the ground.

I lay on the ground, on the verge of death. Is this how it really ends? No. I need to have faith. I had major barricades on my respiratory system. I would be so lucky just for one minuscule inhale. I could hear that devil's laugh again somewhere. My migraine worsened, making every moment torture.

A minute passes, then the smoke subsides. The laughter stops, and the General is no where to be seen. He too, vanished with the smoke, as abruptly as his laughter. That was my last thought. My eyelids suddenly weighed a million kilograms, then my consciousness was cut. I was once again brought to a void of darkness, all alone.

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