Chapter 11

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Alexander began returning her kiss and his hands tightened around her waist as he applied pressure, she knew that he wanted her to stop.

Julia finally pulled back and from her peripheral view that Ava was staring at them too intently.

"Julia." Alexander whispered and motioned for her to lean down, she did that, "Don't you dare start with this bullshit."

"What bullshit?" she asked innocently

"You know what I'm talking about so behave."

"Wasn't it you and Ava who said I need to play my part and that I was immature, well then......"

Julia leaned down and placed a kiss on his neck, she could feel his pulse working and she did not care how he was feeling.

She pulled back and went in again, this time she made sure that the kiss was deep, she drew back when everyone began to focus once more on everyone.

She shifted back straight to facing everyone.

Julia could feel that he was hard, and shifted a bit, right on his member, Alexander's hands went to her waist and he made sure that she was still.

Julia remembered Blake, she got up and whispered to Alexander, "I need to go to the bathroom."

Before he could respond or say anything, she was out the door and went to the dance floor, and Blake was waiving at her.

She went to the bar,

"Where were you?"

"Long story."

Blake handed her a shot and she chugged it down, then a second then a third. They went back to the dance floor and finally she could be free.

"Oh shit."

"What?" Julia asked.

"You're in trouble."

Julia turned and saw Alexander was heading towards her, and eyes widened. She began to walk through people and fast.

No way was she in the mood for Alexander and his never ending demands interfering with the one time that she wanted to have fun.

"Sorry." As she kept on bumping into people, and now she was outside,

"You're beautiful."

Julia felt groggy and a hand went beneath her elbow, she tried to pull away, "Let me go."

"No, let's go have some fun."

She tried to resist, "No, stop."

"What the fuck?" the guy said as he was now on the floor, and she could breathe.

"Let's go."

She was stuck in place when he picked her up bridal style and placed her in the car, and he closed the door.

She knew that Alexander was now going to Ava, when she got to their place she went to the bathroom and all her energy left her body and sunk to the floor.

What a pathetic life, no one to hold and to comfort her.

"What are you doing?" The light came on.

Julia jumped at his words, "Alexander."

"Why are you sitting on the floor, and in the dark?"

"I....." she stopped as her voice cracked.

"It's okay, I was there."

That was the first time that he had said something that was comforting to her, he bent down and lifted her off the ground.

He carried her as if she weighed nothing, he sat her on the bed and took off her heels, and Julia loved this new side that she was seeing.

"Don't look at me like that Julia, I will never be yours."

Julia nodded, "I know."

Julia didn't bother getting changed, and began crawling to bed, she yelped when she felt her foot being dragged.

"No way you are going to climb to the bed without changing."

"Why not?"

"Julia, I will not sleep into your club dirt."

"I will tell them to wash and change the bedding."

Alexander lifted her threw her over his shoulder and dropped her in the closet, "Change."

Julia did that, she went back into the room and Alexander was in bed in his briefs and shirtless.

She climbed into bed and kept on stealing glances at Alexander as she was chatting to Blake. She knew that he was talking to Ava, but she could not help it.

"Will you fucking stop staring at me?"

"I won't."


"I can do whatever I want Alexander."

"So you think I helped you tonight, that we are now going to fall in love?"

"I di..........."

"Ava is more than enough for me and the only one I see goodnight."

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