Chapter 27

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Julia knew by the scent it was Alexander, and the alcohol was kicking in. She tried to act as if she did not know that it was him.

She tried to move away, but Alexander was not letting her budge. His hands went to her thighs, and he rested his head on her shoulder.

"You should not be with other men when you have a husband at home."

"I'm not going home."

"Who said I will make you?"

He held her tighter, his breath was on her neck as they moved. She could not lie, but this felt amazing.

Julia could feel that his member had become hard. What was going on? Alexander was playing with some sort of game because this was all unexpected.

She turned around and placed her hands around his neck, and he held her hips. They moved together and the euphoria that she felt was exhilarating.

The alcohol was amazing, and tonight felt like a hot daydream that she would remember this for a lifetime.

Alexander was smooth with her. After three songs, she let go.

"Tired already."

"I have to check on my friend."

"Fine, let's go."

"You don't have to, you know."

"I want to accompany my wife. Is that so wrong?"

"No, I suppose."

Alexander placed his hand on her small back. "Let's go then."

They began looking for Blake and when she found her, Julia knew that she had a lot of questions, which they would discuss when they were alone.

She was with a guy. "I wanted to check if you were alright?"

"I'm great."

"Come, let's go then," said Alexander.

"I'm not leaving now, but you can go."

"How can I leave my beautiful wife amongst these vultures?"

"I know how to protect myself."

Alexander leaned down so that it was only her who could hear, "Do you forget about last time?"

"I will be extra careful."

"You have drunk a lot, so I don't know what creep would be looking at you?"

"Go, I will be fine." Blake cut in.

Julia gave her a shocked expression as she mouthed to her, "I don't want to leave."

"Come, I will escort us back," Alexander replied.

"Wait, give me five minutes with Blake."

Alexander nodded. "I will be waiting." He placed a kiss on her cheek.

She went to Blake.

 "What is going on?"

She too was puzzled at how he was acting "I also don't know. He has been attentive."

"Did he just wake up like that?"

"Yes, he and Ava broke up,"

"So you're his rebound."

It dawned on her, "You have a point,"

"What are you going to do, then?"

"Well, I did want him, and I still do so I'm going to enjoy the ride."

"Are you sure? What if you catch feelings that are not properly reciprocated?"

Julia started to think about what Blake said,


"Let me go. I will tell you everything that has happened." She gave her a hug.

"Good luck."

Julia smiled, "I need it."

She went to Alexander and took her hand as they headed. On the ride back, neither one of them said a word.

They got to their place and got in there. Alexander slammed the door, and that shocked her. What was his deal?

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