Chapter 24

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"Dude. I thought your head was too hard to get a concussion."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Scott."

"Congratulations, Jamison," Jason said. "You're just a few brain injuries away from being as bright as Scott."

Scott glared at Jason. "I'm bright enough to know that's an insult, asshole."

I shook my head, leaning next to Hunter. Stefan was sitting next to Jason on the sofa. Lia was in a chair next to me, and Scott paced the room. That guy was unable to sit still.

It was after school. Lia had texted me earlier, and as soon as school ended, they invaded Hunter's room.

Scott came closer and looked at the container of cut fruits with hungry eyes.

"No," I told him.

"Maybe he doesn't want them?" Scott said with a grin.

"No. They're Hunter's."

"Do you have a hole in your stomach?" Lia asked. "You literally just had a burger on our way here."

They bickered back and forth, but I was too busy looking at Jason. Hmm. He looked a bit off.

"I wonder what's wrong with him?" I whispered to myself.

"Who?" Hunter asked.

"Jason. He seems a bit off..."

Hunter put his hand on my knee and squeezed. "Maybe you should talk to him?"

"Maybe. Do you want me to bring you something?" I asked him, turning to look at him. Our faces were so close. "From the cafeteria or outside, before the nurse kicks us out for the day."

He closed the little distance between our faces and kissed me. "I got all I need now."

My face warmed. "Anyone ever tell you you're smooth?"

He smiled a little. "Yes. My girlfriend."

"She must be very observant, your girlfriend."

"She is," he said. "Also pretty, smart, kind, and has a mean punch."

How could I not love him? I grinned and kissed him again. Someone gagged. I bet it was one of my brothers. I raised my middle finger in the air without looking before pulling away from Hunter.

Scott was dramatically heaving. I rolled my eyes and swung my legs out of the bed, slipped in my shoes and stood up. "Jason, can you come with me for a second? I need to get something for Hunter."

Jason frowned but stood up. Lia gave me a look. She would grill me about it later. For now, Jason followed me out of the room, where Scott was trying and failing to make Hunter feel like a creep for kissing me in front of him and Stefan.

Jason and I took the elevator down. There were a few people inside, so I didn't start talking until we were outside. I unlocked Lia's car. "Get in," I told Jason and hopped in.

He sat in the passenger seat and closed the door with a sigh. The sun was setting, painting the clouds with its twilight colors.

I turned in my seat and looked at Jason. He raised his brow. "Aren't we going somewhere?"

"What's wrong with you?"

He frowned. "What?"

"Something happened. You're off. What happened?"

He huffed and glared at the windshield. "Nothing happened."

I kept quiet and just stared at him. The clouds parted and let out a bright beam of orange. Jason's brown skin glinted gold and his honey colored eyes looked like chips of iridescent amber. The clouds moved again and covered the sun, setting his face in dark shadows.

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