Chapter 39

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Hunter was right. As soon as I got in the car, Brownie and Stevie stuffed their faces over the console, tails wagging in excitement.

I drove to Hunter's place, my body warm and tingling. I didn't know whether I was disappointed or relieved for my fridge's interruption. But I did need a clear head if I wanted to have a serious conversation with Hunter.

The traffic was heavy, which helped me stay out of my head by focusing on the road. The sun was setting by the time we pulled into the driveway. Seeing the place under the orange glow as a new experience. Grass glimmered with good care all around the house. Brownie and Stevie jumped out of the car and immediately went around to back of the house. Hunter got my overnight bag and my laptop bag and we went inside.

We both froze right inside the door.

Right there on the couch, in the middle of the too big space, sat Tux. He blinked his yellow eyes at us. He was in perfect loaf mode; tail and paws all neatly tucked under his fluff.

"Don't look at him," I whispered and moved as quietly as possible towards the kitchen. Hunter followed close behind. Once in the kitchen, I let out a deep breath and turned with a grin to find Hunter grinning as well.

"He always takes off when I come home," he said, putting my bags on the island stool.

"This is actually pretty good. Does he still eat in the bathroom?" I asked, moving toward the fridge.


"Why don't you put another food bowl here and see if he eats from it," I said, opening the fridge to see what I had to work with.

"That's a good idea," he said. "I have some leftover pasta from yesterday."

I made a face. "I'm still full from Thalia's lunch. Do you have any fruits?"

"In the freezer," he replied, walking toward the stairs. "I'll be right back."

I got the bag of frozen berries from the freezer. I was in the mood for a smoothie. Fortunately, Hunter had a stock of coconut milk. I recognized the tag from the farmer's market.

I turned to put my findings on the island and frowned. Where were my bags? I went around the island. Nope. Not there.

Hunter skipped down the stairs right then, a slight smile on his lips.

"Where are my bags?" I asked.

"Upstairs," he replied. "As you can see, Tux is on the couch, and that's where he usually sleeps these days. So unless you want to move the cat..."

"No one moves a cat once it's in loaf mode," I grumbled. "You didn't train your cat to sit on the couch to get me to spend the night in your room, did you?"

Hunter laughed, leaning against the island next to me and crossing his arms. He'd ditched his jacket, and his arms bulged with the motion. "Your imagination is running wild, Sapphire. What's wrong with spending the night in my room? I promise I'll keep my paws to myself."

I rolled my eyes and started on the smoothie. I'd cross that bridge when I came to it.

I put the frozen berries in the blender and poured a couple of splashes of milk on top. Hunter raised his eyebrows when I closed the milk bottle.

"I like my smoothies thick," I explained. Hunter's lips twitched up, his eyes crinkling with mirth.

I pointed a finger at him. "Don't. Get your mind out of the gutter."

He chuckled and heated up his leftover pasta. I had no idea how he could eat more solid food after Thalia's feast. But then again, my smoothie wasn't exactly lightweight, either.

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