Chapter 12

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There was no sound, no wind nothing. Nothing moved. I had the feeling that he would come, hurt me again. I looked everywhere to find a way out of here but Shit! No way, no way at all. The only thing that I saw is leaves, trees and grasses. Then, I saw the little pile of leaves that I did for my leg when I was sleeping last night. I returned on my steps! I went far and far in this forest. I needed to come back, but the way lead to Greg. I couldn't stay there, waiting for him. He would kill me after what I did him. Really kill me, I'm not freaking joking.

I began to stand up. With difficulty, I stood up, limping. I went on my left side, hoping finding a way out, or even a way to contour him. I walked slowly, scared. After 2 minutes, I was closer and closer of my goal. Then, I saw Greg, walking, limping to. He looked mad, furious, out of his mine. He was scaring, really scaring. I hided behind a tree but I did a little bit of sound with my feet. He turned his head fast but he seemed to hurt a lot. I think that I hurt him and that I did a good choice to do it. He looked everywhere to find me, but he didn't. He continue to walk and I did the same. I felt like in an horror movie. He had a lot of blood on his leg, maybe more than me. He also had some on the top of his head and in his neck. His T-shirt was tear up and his pants were full of blood. He was, hum, disgusting.

I walked without doing any sound. I really don't want him to know where I am, and to find me. I accelerated my walk but it was to complicated for my leg and my head to focus. I was headless, just headless. I saw nothing, everything was blurred. And then, I fell. My eyes were semi-close. I needed to sleep, I had no energy at all. I needed freaking water, I was thirsty. I was freezing, hungry, whatever, I was really not feeling good. With the minimum of energy, I stood up fast and I began to run. I was a girl who is determined and I will never give up. Then, I heard Greg, yelling.

-Hannah! Hannah! Little slut, come here, Hannah, Hannah! And he continued like that.

He seemed furious, but like really. I didn't want to near because if I, I don't know what he would do me. Torture me for days, and maybe kill... Kill me...

It's pretty hard to say... Last year, I thought that I hit the downer way but, it seems like I didn't... My mind says that one day I will be able to get out of this situation, but it's, it's impossible. And, this all started because of William and, something that I never did! NEVER!

After approximately 5 minutes, I began to see Justin's house. I was close, pretty close. I didn't have a choice, I needed to continue. Just continue and continue! Then, I arrived in the yard. I just hear people that were screaming in the house, like they were fighting. I returned my head and I saw Greg, running to me. He saw me! Oh my gosh! Ok, he was at like 1 km from me but, I need to run!

I ran like an idiot and I finally arrived at the door of his house. I know that I should not knock at the door but I need to!

I knocked at door the fast.

-Please please, help!

Justin's mother opened the door.

-Oh no, Hannah! Go away! She closed the door.

I heard from the inside the voice of Jacob:

-What? Hannah! Oh my gosh! Oh my...

He opened the door and he took me in his arms pretty fast. Smell his perfume was really nice. I felt like I was in paradise. Except the fact that I am looking really bad and that I am extremely hurting. I love him, really. I couldn't live this year without him.

-Babe, are you ok? What happened, oh my gosh, your leg, your head, your dress!

Cassy went downstairs, seeing me gave her a lot of relief. She looked like, I don't know but she looked like she was really happy.

-Hannah! Oh my gosh! Hannah! Come here baby! She said, entering in our hug

Just see them couldn't be better. Believe it or not, I really believed that they were against me... I know that people are, but not them. I underestimated them and, seriously, this is really bad from me... The lesson is that I will never trust people again, except the one's that support me.

This hug, those talks were representing everything, were saying that I was not alone anymore. That bad people will be arrested, go in jails and never come back again. NEVER COME BACK AGAIN, NEVER.

Then, Greg arrived, with his knife. Jacob left me and he came in front of Greg.

-She is safe now, go away, you have nothing to do here anymore. Jacob said

-This slut hit me! Let me pass or I will kill you!

-Greg, it's enough, we called the police, you are going in jail motherfucker!

-No, it's a joke, I'm sure. You are too reject to do it! Greg answered.

We heard the sirens of the police cars. Greg looked afraid, afraid of going in jail.

-Hahahahah, do you think that it's a joke anymore? Jacob said

I was in the arms of Cassy, looking at the scene.

-You! Greg said. You are a motherfucker!

He started to run, confidently, but the cops were behind him, waiting for him. They took his hands and pit the handcuffs.

-Greg Salvator, you are arrested for torture, all of you will say could be use against you. Said the first officer

-Thank you so much officers, said Cassy

They did a head sign and they went in their car, putting Greg in the back. He was looking at us, mad. Mad about his life, us. Justin's mother was in back, looking at the scene without saying one word. I think that she is going to have a big conversation with her son tonight...

-Come Hannah, we are going home, it's over. Said Cassy

-Yeah, we are going home, Jacob said

Now, it's really going to be over. People will not risk their life to torture me anymore. I hope that they are all going to learn the lesson today. OVER, OVER.

I will never forget what happened today, the worst day of my life, or it's what I thought...

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