Chapter 6

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Nari danced around her living room with 'Chantaje' by Shakira playing in the background. She held the top of the broom up to her lips, singing the lyrics.

"Como tú me tientas cuando tú te muev-" She got interrupted by her cellphone ringing. "Ugh!" She groaned grabbing the tv remote and pausing the music.

She picked up her phone from the coffee table and answered the calling before bringing it up to her ear. "Hello?" She greeted. "Hello, am I speaking to Kim Nari?" A woman's voice asked.

"Yes, this is her." Nari answered. "I am from Seoul National University Hospital and I'm calling regarding your job application." The woman explained. "Has there been any progress?" Nari asked shifting her weight onto one leg.

"Ah yes, that's why I called. Your application has been accepted and you're starting next week Wednesday." The said. Nari bit her lip in excitement, a smile adorning her features.

"Thank you very much." Nari thanked dropping the broom down onto the floor. "We will email you everything you need to know, good luck."

"Thank you." Nari said. "Goodbye."


Nari sucked in a breath before letting out a quiet scream. "Yes!" She jumped around the living room in excitement. "Oh god, I need a drink." She said walking to her kitchen. She opened her fridge reaching for the half-full wine bottle.

After pouring herself a glass of wine she settled on her sofa and scrolled on her phone.

An hour later she finished cleaning her apartment so she decided to go live on Instagram. Nari balanced her phone onto a flower vase on her kitchen island and pressed the 'go live' option.

NariKim is now live.

"Hey lovies."


"I just finished cleaning my house so now im bored. So I thought why not talk to you guys." Nari explained refilling her wine glass.

"Wine so early?"

"Don't judge! I'm super tired and I'm celebrating so like- leave me alone." Nari exclaimed before taking a sip. "I'm such a wine girly, it's a hill i'm willing to die on."

"I can't down tequila to save my life and vodka too. Actually every kind of alcohol except wine but I'm not sure about whiskey cause I haven't tried it before."

"I'm also not a champagne girly." Nari rambled taking out ingredients to make breakfast.

"Do you like coffee??"

"Coffee? No. I don't know if you guys know this but I have crippling anxiety so drinking coffee makes it a hundred times worse." She answered toasting two slices of bread.

"I'm actually forbidden to drink it by my previous therapist because it caused a mini episode." She said.

"What kind of episode?"

"I couldn't go outside and I was frantic. I have really bad trauma so I would get really bad hallucinations of that one thing. Oh- and I shook so bad like I had to be hospitalised and sedated." Nari answered taking butter out of her fridge.

"This was senior year so I had just turned seventeen at the time." She added. "Matthew even had to fly all the way from Spain to physically make sure I was alright."

"Pretty girls have trauma🤞🏾"
"Oh my gosh Nari"

"We really do. But yeah umh, no caffeine for me."

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