Chapter 32

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The ringing tone of FaceTime sounded through Nari's earphones as she entered the mall nearest the hospital.

She was dressed in a blue and white Dolce&Gabanna sundress with four inch black louboutin's in So Kate's. Her hair was up in a claw clip and her face in soft makeup while her Hermès Kelly hung on her forearm.

"Hey Charlie." She greeted when Charles answered. "Hi Jennie, how are you?" He asked seemingly walking in the grid of the Marina Bay Street Circuit in Singapore.

"I'm good and you?"

"I'm okay."

"Oh my god, guess what?" Nari excitedly said, her face lightening up. "What?" Charles asked.

"I got engaged!" She whisper-shouted, bring her left hand up to her face to show off the ring. "What the fuck! Congratulations Jennifer!" Charles exclaimed making Nari wince from the loudness coming from her earphones.

"Thank you, I just wanted to let you know before you get an email and become all shocked." Nari smiled walking further into the building.

"Okay, so tell me about the dress." Charles asked looking over his back. He was being followed by the Netflix filming crew as he made his way to the Ferrari garage.

Nari laughed at his words, "I haven't even started talking with a designer but I think I'm going to work with D&G."

"Why not Vivienne Westwood?" Charles asked.

"How do you know that?" Nari huffed out a laugh. "But I don't want the simplicity of Vivi, I kind of want an abundance of lace on my dress. Plus I'm really close with D&G as a brand already so I feel like they're the one that could execute what I want."

"Oh yeah, you're like sort of their ambassador?"

"Not yet but we're still negotiating." Nari answered as she walked into an elevator with two other women.

"Mermaid or Princess?" Charles asked making Nari bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. "Again, how do you know these things?" Nari asked.

"Shh, don't ask too many questions." He shushed her bring his forefinger up to his lips. "Okay," Nari squinted her eyes. "Mermaid, princess is too princess-y for me if you get what I'm saying."

"You've been walking for the whole call Nari, where are you?" Charles asked after Nari walked out of the elevator.

"Don't be a hypocrite because you also have been walking for five million years. I'm at the mall, I want to buy my mother-in-law something from Cartier so it's on the second floor."

"Oh, I'm at the circuit right now because qualifying is about to start soon. Hopefully I get pole and by the way, Netflix has been following me this entire time for DTS."

"Good luck Charlie," Her words made him smile. "Try to get p1 for me. Same applies for Carlos, I tried calling him earlier but he was in a meeting so he couldn't answer." She added.

After another minute of talking with Charles, they said their goodbyes before hanging up.

Nari slipped her phone into her handbag and entered Cartier and immediately was greeted by a saleswoman.

"Hi! Can I please look at all your bracelets?"


Nari and Jungkook were now in a grocery buying ingredients for dinner. Jungkook's mom would be staying at their home for the night since his father and brother went out on a golf trip to Daegu.

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