Shawn Hutchins

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“Samuel won’t eat healthy food unless you make it.” June smiled at her it was brotherly. “No worries.”
Her eyes fell on the wound, she had a desolated expression.
“Who beat him?” Shawn couldn’t hold back the anger now, so he blurted instantly.
“Your boy-friend’s father.” She paused with her eyebrow raised making Shawn regret saying that. “She broke up with Warner.” June scoffed and sounded amused
“You broke up with Warner?” Shawn squinted his eyes, deep down celebrating the news. She opened her mouth but closed again and the sadness reflected in her eyes about whatever might’ve happened between her and Warner. “Broke up is not a right word, it’s”
“Come on chilly, he raised his hand on you.” June scoffed not letting her speak, he looked really mad. Some might confuse June as jealous but his tone was naturally brotherly towards Lily. She inhaled deeply looking at June whose eye-brows were curled up with annoyance.
“He didn’t mean to.” She imparted her voice came out distinct like she was covering Warner’s mistake.
“Exactly he didn’t mean to but he did chilly he hurt you.” June implored and Shawn had to agree at that.
“Unless you slap him back and call it even.” Shawn asserted just to have both June and Chilly Lily turn to him.
“I like that thought.” June chuckled and Lily shook her head.
“By the way chilly, Samuel wants to give you something in return for the food, then I will drop you home.” June said to which Lily nodded
“I know he called me.”
Samuel was savoring the food and he also gave Lily a wrapped box which he insisted her to open once she gets home. Her face got dim after getting a call from someone.
“I will get going then.” She said and got up.
“I will drop you.” June instructed and shook his hand with Samuel.
“You don’t have to.” Lily imparted nervously and the bell rang.
“Is anyone else coming?” He asked to June who shook his head and the bell rang again so Shawn opened the door to find Warner Williams in his black shirt and pants, his glasses shined but Shawn didn’t understand whether it was due to the lights or the anger he had in his eyes.
“Warner.” Lily called and he roughly pushed Shawn away to move in.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, his voice was deep.
“I took her here she was providing my friend with food.” June answered for Lily and got up.
“Then you should’ve just left her after taking the food, why did you bring her here?” Warner interrogated, he was mad and Shawn could sense that from his tone, he had not changed only thing which changed were his anger issues. Such a sensitive jerk, Shawn scoffed.
“Let’s go out and talk.” June said, his voice was low like he was suppressing his anger.
“Should’ve thought about that before taking Lily here.” He shouted and June moved back.
“Fine then talk it out.” June shouted back.
“Why the fuck are you mad? You brought her here.” Warner asked, his neck’s veins popped up with all the anger.
“Because you’re being unreasonable Warner! Stop ruling her.” June confronted his eyes were widened, Warner chortled and took a step back then punched June’s face.
“Stop this!” Lily yelled and Samuel gave Shawn an exhausted look getting up with his frown which was always present.
“Bella Jones, you knew about her, didn’t you?” Shawn felt like he was freeze with all the painful memories coming alive.
June squinted his eyes breathing deeply and Warner exhaled sharply.
“My father and the commissioner assaulted Bella Jones.”
“Isn’t that why you beat him?” Warner asked and Shawn held Samuel’s arm for support feeling light in his head. His father did that? With Cody? He knew they were involved but not that they were the culprits, Samuel turned his head towards Shawn and his eyes grew with concern.
“Are you okay?” He mumbled.
“Your father is involved in this? Warner your father!” June gasped inclining his back at the wall of Samuel’s living room.
“You didn’t know?”
“How do you know, Warner?” Shawn asked, his heart sunk with all the memories, Warner closed his mouth.
“Isn’t he commissioner’s son?”
“Tell me, how do you know?” Shawn asked again.
“I heard their conversation at your backyard.” Warner answered and held Lily’s hand taking her towards his side.
“Bella Jones, that case your fathers was involved in that?” Lily asked looking at Shawn, she had that same reaction as June.
“Water.” Shawn said tightening the grip on Samuel’s arm with the dizziness which he now thought was due to getting beaten up.
“Shawn, what’s wrong?” Samuel got concern putting his hand on Shawn’s grip and made him sit down while Lily handed him the glass of water.
“Here.” Samuel said making Shawn drink the water and he slowly drank it.
“Let’s take him to the doctor.” June instructed and Shaw shook his head.
“No, it’s not that serious.” Shawn said, his voice came out wobbly and he started crying and felt his cheeks turn hot, his father was involved in that, to a girl who didn’t deserve that.
“Shawn.” Samuel said softly and patted his back while he tried to hold in in but failed. The thing he was running away from, the truth he wanted to be a lie faced him now.

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