Chapter 17

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(TW: Abuse and rape discussion)

The next week passed quickly. Too quickly for my liking. I watched as Ceri reunited with her brothers in a way I didn't think was possible for any family. My own bitter history leaving a bittersweet taste in my mouth. Every time I thought about the words her parents had said to her, about her bile rose up my throat, the anger threatening to send me after them. 

The surprise at finding out that Price had been trying to bring her brothers onto the team diminished as I watched the three of them together. All three of them were quick witted and worked well together despite, or maybe because of, their antics together. I could see why Price would want someone with a cybersecurity knowledge on the team, but other than that Bryce had no real military use, unlike his siblings, he wasn't military. I wondered if Price had an ulterior motive. Probably. The man had cunning like no other. 

We again found ourselves in the rec room sitting at the table the night before we were due to leave. I watched the three of them discreetly, envy settling deeply within my heart counteracting the delicate balance of the pleasure I found watching Ceri truly be delighted with her brothers presence. She threw me soft smiles every time she caught a hint of the jealousy rising up, never once mistaking it for anything to do with her. Even without knowing the full extent of my history, she understood my issues stemmed from my own family being dead. I appreciated the grace she showed, letting me dwell in solitude and yet being present in a way no one else had ever shown. 

As their chatter washed through the room quietly mixing with the sounds of the other hybrids lounging around watching TV and mingling. It seemed more crowded today than it had in the past week and I assumed that they had all come to see Ceri off. My eyes watched the room from behind my mask, keeping watch for even a hint of trouble. After the shit show with her parents I'd been on edge. Shane had come to me to organise bringing Bryce to say bye to his sister. He hadn't mentioned their parents and I hadn't pried, maybe assuming he'd already organised for them to come on his own, either way I hadn't questioned it. At least until I saw the way Ceri had reacted to their presence, compared to the way she'd reacted to Bryce. I'd felt a twisting sensation in my chest, but nothing compared to the seething anger I'd felt at what they'd done to her, my protective instincts rising up quickly. Not that it had been needed. Ceri had dealt with the situation just fine. Now though, everyone was suspect. I was just waiting for something to go wrong tonight. So I sat and listened and waited. 

"Bryce, how long now until you've completed your degree?" Ceri's voice, bright with merriment lightening her usual growl. 

"I've still got another two and a half years. It's been kicking my arse harder than I expected. Almost tempted to switch degrees, but at this point all the time I've already put into this one will be wasted." Bryce's voice heavy with the Australian accent sounded very similar to Ceri's growling voice. I'd spent more time with the hybrids than the humans, but thinking back on my interactions with Australians, they all almost seemed to growl. 

"Mhmmm," Shane agreed. "I did a communications degree when I joined the army. University learning is just not for me. Kudos to you brother, you definitely got the brains in the family." 

"Hey!" Ceri laughed punching Shane in the arm. "I take offence to that, I got some of the brains."

"Doubt that," Bryce teased. "Look at you, you're more beast than woman. Now at least your outsides match your insides."

Jesus Christ. It was like supervising a bunch of school children. 

"Oh yeah?" Ceri sputtered, clearly at a loss for words as her brothers riled her up further. Amusement knifed through me as I watched quietly, and Ceri shot me a dark look as she scented it, but Shane just pissed himself laughing harder while Bryce sat there in there dark, looking confused about the added source of hilarity to the situation. 

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