Chapter 87

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Forty-eight hours later found us on a flight bound towards a Russian city I couldn't remember the name of, yet I seemed to have the maps all floating around in my thoughts. I cemented as many tracks and paths and plans to my memory as I could while we travelled. 

"Infil in twenty minutes." Laswells smooth voice over the comms from the front of the plane soothed my nerves. I catch Soaps eye from across the plane and he gives me a little hand wiggle motion. I nudge Ghost with my knee and stand up, carefully making my way across the space to sit down next to Soap, my shoulder pressing up against his. We sat in a companionable silence until we touched down. Despite my face covered up with my mask and a  hood, the smallest crinkles around my eyes gave it away to Soap I was smiling appreciatively up at him. He leaned down quickly kissing the top of my head. "Love you, Uilebheist. See you on the other side," his voice so soft that I doubt even Shane would have picked up what he'd said.

Before I can respond to his declaration he's striding out of the plane and making way towards his own point of transport. I follow Ghost out, my legs sluggish as I try to hurry up and get to Soap before he's gone. Only I am far too late to return any form of sentiment back to him. I frown with a soft growl and slug my way through the cold bitter air to Ghost with a separate vehicle from Soap and Price. Gaz and Shane were again in a different vehicle altogether. Meanwhile our pilot, a man Price had introduced as Nikolai and Laswell found themselves heading to a safehouse and preparing to be our overwatch as much as possible.

"Sending breacher up." Laswells smooth voice came through over Ghosts comms. "Got eyes in the sky, better move quick ladies. Makarov is sending men into the service tunnels. As briefed, there are six bombs that need to be disarmed. Wolf, you'll be taking point on finding them. You'll run through with Ghost and tag the bomb locations. Soap and Price will be following after to disarm. Gaz, Clutch, make sure you keep the area clear."

"Rog." Ghosts gruff voice responds as he manoeuvres our vehicle with an expert hand across the terrain. Half an hour later sees us winding our way through civilians with their own hoods up as the weather grows colder, snow flurrying through the streets. No one even looks twice at Ghost or myself, too busy minding their own business. Too keen to keep to themselves and not bother with two individuals who clearly radiate danger. We make our way through to a subway station that appears suspiciously deserted. I alert Ghost to the presence of two people at the bottom of the flight of stairs and he prepares two knives for silent removal. We descend and see the two individuals who look surprised to see us. They startle pulling their guns up too late. Ghost has thrown both knives with deadly accuracy. They topple over with a stunned gasp. He moves swiftly removing his knives and cleaning them before putting them away again. We creep through the silent subway and I begin to wonder if maybe there's something we're missing. 

A small creeping dread starts to flow through me and I begin wishing I'd given Lilly a longer hug. Stayed a little bit longer. Wish Soap had given me the chance to say I loved him too. I shook the feeling off but a small kernel of dread sat like a heavy rock in the pit of my stomach. I led the way until I heard shouting behind us. Someone had found the bodies. The alarm had gone up. We'd be found soon and the battle would commence. 

We found some cover behind some crates that had been left in one of the long silent and creepy halls we'd found ourselves in. The sound of a dozen or so boots came through I stepped out from behind the cover and leaped for the closest Konni mercenary, my teeth snapping closed on his arm snapping the bones immediately. The distraction allows Ghost to shoot with precision. He whittles the group down effectively as they are torn in two directions. I slice the throat of the man in my mouth and leave him to gurgle on his own blood. I rush the next soldier distracted by Ghost, my jaws clamping over his jaw as I jump a little too high. I crush his jaw, his wailing muffled by his inability to move his jaw any more. I drop him to the ground his head hitting the tiled floor with a sickening thud and the sounds shut off.

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