chapter one

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your POV:

I walk in the doors of Hollywood arts, I see jade and beck yelling at each other. Then I hear jade yell we're done. I didn't hear the beginning of the fight but it was probably beck's fault. I walk past jade going to my locker.

"finally." I say under my breath

I get to my locker, and I feel someone grab my arm hard. I wince because the hand is squeezing my arm really hard. I look at who it is and its jade.

"what did you say!" she says basically screaming

I look around and people are looking at me like i'm gonna die.

"I said finally." I say trying not to engage with jade right now because she's so mad

"what do you mean finally! don't you dare even try to go after be-!" she screams squeezing my arm even tighter

"no. that's not what I mean by that, we've been friends for years, how many times do i have to tell you im a lesbian. not every girl wants beck" I say trying not to sound like im in pain

"then what did you mean by it?!" she says getting quieter and loosening her grip on my arm

"beck's an asshole.." I say hoping she won't get anymore mad

"what? but your friends with him??" she say letting go of my arm

I rub my arm "Yeah he's an okay friend, but a terrible boyfriend, I see how he treats you" I say trying to walk away after

she grabs my arm again but not as hard this time, "explain!" she demands

"he's just manipulative, He let tori kiss him when she first got here, right in front of you too. he lets girls touch all over him, and he lets them ride to school with him while they drool over him. he purposely tries to make you jealous then acts like your the crazy one" I explain

she doesn't say anything, she just stands there. I study her face. I look into her eyes and see an emotion i haven't seen on jade in forever, sadness but not on her face just in her eyes. she walks away not saying a word.

I walk to class rubbing my arm, I don't see jade for the next few hours before lunch even through we have two classes together before lunch. I walk to the lunch table and don't see her sitting with everyone.

"hey have any of you seen jade sense this morning?" I ask being the last one at the table

"no, she broke up with beck after starting a fight" tori says

I roll my eyes hoping no one saw, but i couldn't help it, i know beck started it "I know but she wasn't in math or art" I state

I rub my arm where jade grabbed,

"hey where did you get that?" beck questions

"oh uh no where it's not really important" I lie trying not to give them another reason to villainize jade "hey i'm going to go to the bathroom really quick" I say walking away from the lunch table

I call jade, it rings for a second then it goes to voicemail. I text her

Me: hey jade, are you okay?

I walk back to the table sit down and eat. everyone's talking and i'm too focused on the fact that jade isn't here. i'm kind of worried.

I check my phone the rest of the school day, and still no answer form jade. I get in my car and drive home. I get home and make some food. Then I hear a knock on the door. I go over to it and it's jade.

"you're the only one of my friends that actually care about me." she says as soon as I open the door

"hey, that's not true..we all care about you" I say gesturing for her to come in

"no y/n you don't get it. all of our friends hate me, and I don't even blame them." she says quietly

I grab her hand and sit on the couch with her. "that's not true sometimes your mean yeah, but your a good friend and really fun to be around. even if they don't care I do your my friend" I say smiling at her

she's now crying which is so weird to see, I hesitantly hug her. she doesn't hug back after a while.

I feel her slightly push me away, so i let go. "don't you dare tell anyone you say me like this" she threatens

I laugh a little "I won't I promise" I say rubbing the bruise on my arm where she grabbed me early.

she grabs my arm gently, I flinched a little.

"i'm sorry." she says softly

"it's okay, hey are you hungry" I ask

"I geuss" she say in her stern usual voice

"okay I made some food" I say still smiling

we sit down and eat. she's spends the rest of the night at my house watching movie.

jade west x female reader Where stories live. Discover now