chapter seven

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your pov:

we get back to jade's house after the beach, I plop down in her bed.

"i'm so tired" I yawn

she doesn't say anything, she just stares at me "can I borrow some pj's" I ask

she doesn't answer she's just staring "jade" I say quietly

"oh sorry, what?" she says breaking out of her thoughts

I smile "what were you thinking about?" I question

"what did you ask before?" she asks avoiding my question

I decide not to pry "can I borrow some pj's please"

"oh yeah" she tosses me some shorts and t-shirt


"mhm" she says not looking at me

something is on her mind I can tell, I get off the bed and then she gets on it. I start changing, I change in front of jade all the time. She usually looks away, but not this time she staring at me. I finish changing, and sit next to her on the bed.

"was there something in particular you were looking at" I joke

"no.." she says not really paying attention

I can tell she's really thinking about something "hey are you okay?" I ask

"yeah I'm okay, just thinking." she answers softly

"about?" I push

"lay down" she demands nicely though

I don't give her my usual response when she's tells me to do something, I just lay down because she said it nice. she lays down and we are both on our backs looking up. she turns to me and then I turn to her.

"i'm never getting back with beck" she says out of no where

"good." I smile at her "I really lik-" I cut my self off

"you what?" she questions

"nothing, let's just go to sleep" I say turning over to my other side embarrassed i almost just admitted that.

"you were gonna say something and i'm going to make you tell me eventually" she whisper in my ear

I shiver at the feeling, she puts her arms around me. I usually wake up with her arms around me, but i'm never awake when she does it. I smile, and sink into her body. I drift off to sleep pretty fast.

I wake up and it's the middle of the night, jade's lamp is on and I turn over and see her writing in a little black notebook.

"oh hey, sorry if i woke you" she says softly

"no it's okay, what are you writing?" I ask trying to look

she closes it "my song for the full moon jam" she answers

"can I see" I ask

"no you'll hear it in a week" she replies

"whyyyy just a little peek" I plead

"no, you can wait"

"finee, what are you doing up?" I ask sitting up

"I couldn't sleep"

"oh, lay down" I tell her as i'm laying down

she chuckles, turns off her lamp, and lays down, I run my fingers up and down her arm.

"what are you doing?" she questions

"putting you to sleep" I answer

she closes her eyes and so do I, my fingers still running up and down her arm gently. I end up falling asleep after awhile.

jade west x female reader Where stories live. Discover now