Why Do You Hate Me?

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       It took me a while to notice the signs; he won't look at me whenever I spoke, he stays far away like I have some sort of disease, stops speaking whenever I enter the room. Todd Anderson hates me!

It was something that bugged Y/n, I mean she was part of the Dead Poet Society, she deserved to be treated as an equal.

There they all sat in the common room examining a map. "Where's the cave?" Cameron asked peering over Neil.

"It's easy," Neil declared, "just follow the stream."

It was going to be the first-ever meeting of the Dead Poets, everyone was anxious to leave school at night but it was the sort of adventure they needed.

Y/n sat at the end of the table when her eyes met Todds. She tried her best to charm him with a smile but it made him simply look away.

'Crap!' Y/n thought to herself.

While all the dumb boys spoke over one another trying to find the cave Y/n needed some answers, and who do you go to when you need answers? The weakest link in the chain.

"Hey, Pitties," said as she took a seat next to the tall boy, "can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," Pitts said nonchalantly, "what is it?"

"Do you think some people dislike me in the group?" She interrogated.

"What? Who gave you that impression?" Pitts asked concerned.

"Todd," Y/n said blankly.

"Oh he's just shy," Pitts said clearing the air, "and besides you're a girl, of course, he's going to be quiet around you."

"No, there's something more," Y/n said as she gazed her view over to Todd.

Pitts had known Todd's secret everyone had known except Y/n. Todd had a major crush on Y/n, ever since her first day at Welton. Everyone had solemnly sworn that they would keep Todd's secret.

"What are you guys talking about?" Cameron asked joining their private conversation.

"Do you know why Todd doesn't like me?" Y/n asked to hope to get some answers out of Cameron instead.

Cameron's eyes widened as a small smirk creep from his face. "Eh, let's just say; Todd would rather die than say-"

"It's easy, tonight's the night," Neil said as she rolled up the map, "be ready."

That night Y/n and the gang slipped away from their safe beds into the ominous woods. It was dark and fairly foggy when they left, the time was 12:50 am when they finally got to the cave. They did what Mr. Keating inspired; to become colour in a world of black and white. When all was said and done they thought it would be best to head on home. They all sang and danced their way out of the cave.

Just then Charlie shoved Knox's arms and he ran past him. "Oh no, you don't!" Knox yelled competitively as he chased the boy, Neil laugh as he ran after them feeling alive. Soon everybody was in on the race back home. That is expected thof e last two stragglers who got left behind; Todd and Y/n.

"Where did they go?" Todd asked in the darkness.

"I dunno!" Y/n slightly panicked, "they just took off and left!"

"Dammit," Todd mumbled as he looked around for traces of the dimwitted boys.

"How will we know how to get home, it was a pretty long walk," Y/n stated as she breathe heavily.

"We were walking in this direction last so our best bet is to keep going this way," Todd explained.

They both walked in silence while keeping some distance between them. "I don't think this is right, we would have seen something familiar already," Y/n announced.

"Great," Todd muttered as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Y/n took his comment offensively and began to walk without him. "Hey, where are you going?" Todd asked catching up to her.

"Don't me to slow us down just because I'm a girl," Y/n said defensively. 

"I-I never said that," Todd said slightly panicking that he may have offended Y/n.

"You show it," Y/n said as she continued to walk faster than him.

"Wha- how? When?" Now Todd was starting to panic.

"In ways," Y/n shot back, "you've been ignoring me ever since I join the group!" She announced turning back to the blue-eyed boy. "I don't know what I did so terrible for you to treat me like some diseases but trust me if you don't want to talk to me after tonight I won't stop you."

Y/n angrily stormed off leaving Todd completely speechless as he possessed valuable information. His crush thought he hated her.

'Crap!' Todd thought to himself.

"Ah Y/n wait," Todd said running over to Y/n as he prepared a conversation in his mind.

"I'm not very good at things like this," he confessed as he walked in front of her.

"Talking?" she said.

"Ya," Todd disclosed. "I know that I'm quiet, but your not-"

"That's," Y/n said as she began to walk past him.

"What I mean is," Todd said as they walked down a small jagged cliff. "I don't hate you, and I haven't been meaning to ignore you in any way."

"Then why have you been so distant?" Y/n asked not looking where she was going.

"Because," Todd said as he tried his best to avoid the obvious. Todd looked at Y/n who had Just misplaced her footing and was about to trip. Todd quickly reached out his arms and caught the young girl unexpectedly, "I have like you," he confessed.

Y/n gaped at him as the sun rose to start a new day, they both held each other with pink faces. Finally, Y/n did something she never normally do and planted a sweet kiss on Todd's pink lips.

Y/n pulled away slowly as she saw Todd taking every last bit of it in. Y/n let out a giggle to his reaction, "HEY LOOK!" She exclaimed as the young boy still held onto her. "I remember Todd saying to follow the stream- there it is!"

Still dazed Todd looked over at the running water. "Come on," Todd said slyly, "we need to go before the sun completely raises."

Y/n took his hand with a lovely smile, "let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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