A Dream

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Warning: The girl in the dream goes through a very traumatic event. I don't wanna spoil the story, but this is just a heads up! If you get tramatized very easily but past events, like myself, don't read!!

This is not part of Helluva Boss!! This part is 100% made by me, free writing!

Thank you for reading!! Please vote & comment since it helps a lot!! ^^

Third Person POV

(Y/N) stared at what Blizto was watching on the TV. She leaned back and drank some [F/D]. (Y/N) felt her eyes slowly close as she started to lean on Blizto shoulder.

She used to have her own apartment, but since she barely ever paid her bills, (Y/N) was forced to move in with Blitzo. Thanks to his constant begging.

Blizto turned his head to (Y/N)'s tired expression and smiled softly. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"It's okay, lovely... just rest..." He smiled softly still, "You did great today... I'm so proud of you!" He was about to kiss her forehead until his eyes widened, looking away. 

(Y/N) nodded as her eyes closed complete, falling into a long slumber. Blizto stared for a minute at her until finally watching the TV once again.


In the human realm, a girl was on top of a building. She wore goggles on top of her head and wore all black. The rest of her couldn't be seen.

The girl knelt down, aiming what seemed to be a rifle towards a building right across the street. A smug smile on her face as she prepared to shoot her target.

"Are you going to fucking shoot or miss like the bitch you are?" A voice from behind spoke, sounding smug as hell.

The girl groaned as she stood up, "Simulation... turn off..." She placed the rifle down as the room turned white, "What the hell, Chuck?" The girl glanced harshly at the male at the doors.

"What the hell is that you spend hours upon hours in here like you're ever going to improve..." Chuck leaned on the doorway as he chuckled, "You know that I'll always be Mr. Brett's favorite, so..." He walked towards the girl, "What's the point?" He smirked, stopping in front of the girl.

The girl looked at the ground as her fist clenched tightly. Tight enough that her fingernails were digging into her skin, making it bleed.

Chuck messed with the girl's hair before snickering, "Chill out, lovely.." Chuck smiled, "I'm fucking joking!" He turned to leave but didn't walk off just yet, "...Stop trying...a rifle just..." He turned to look at her, "Isn't you.." He smirked evilly before leaving.

The girl looked up at Chuck as she thought of all the comebacks in the world to set that asshole off. None seemed perfect in her mind. The girl sighed as she walked into the changing room.

She changed into a classic teenage set of clothes as she walked out of the changing room, Simulation room, and headed towards the kitchen. There was a younger looking woman whose face turned towards the girl.

"Ah! You're awake, sweetheart!" The woman smiled sweetly, "Ready for school?" She asked as she continued to cook.

The girl didn't answer as she just opened the fridge, looking for someone to eat.

"...Well...Mr. Brett came over today!" The woman smiled weakly.

The girl's attention was suddenly grabbed by what the woman just said. She slammed the fridge door shut as she turned to the woman with a bright smile.

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