chapter six.

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excuse any mistakes.

𝐊𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐮 𝐘𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐬

It has been a week since Keanu unexpectedly ran into Mieke, and every single hour since then, he couldn't get her out of his mind. It's like she's stuck in his head on repeat, and he can't shake it off. The fact that he hadn't run into her until now and then suddenly did is messing with his thoughts big time.

Sitting in the car rider line outside Skyler's school, Keanu glanced at the line of cars ahead, his thoughts drifting back to Mieke once more.

He couldn't shake the image of their encounter from his mind – the shock in her eyes, the depth of emotion he felt but couldn't quite decipher. She looked at him with hatred, and it left him questioning what went wrong. The love he once saw in her eyes was replaced by something he couldn't quite fathom. It bothered him.

"Man." Keanu sighed loudly.

He reached for his phone, unlocking it and opening Google, typing in Mieke's name.

Nothing relevant popped up in the search results. The images were all of random white women, and the articles were mostly unrelated or connected to Mieke and Dalton, which irritated him even more.

That didn't stop him though. Keanu shifted his focus to LinkedIn. He had a hunch she'd be on there somewhere, so he began scrolling through profiles determinedly. The process felt like scrolling through an endless sea of professional faces, job titles, and accomplishments.

His eyes flickered over various profiles that weren't hers. It was a tedious search, but he was fueled by the need to find her. Somewhere in the midst of scrolling, his heart skipped a beat as he stumbled upon a familiar profile.

There it was, Mieke's profile.

His eyes scanned every detail, every word she had written about herself, every job experience she had listed. He found himself absorbing every piece of information, trying to piece together the life she'd built since they last spoke. Scrolling through her accomplishments, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her achievements.

Keanu couldn't deny the mix of emotions that stirred within him. Her career seemed to be thriving, and he couldn't help but wonder about the life she'd built without him.

Keen to explore more about her personal life, Keanu acknowledged that LinkedIn wouldn't reveal much beyond her professional realm. Disappointed, he closed the website and turned to Instagram, hoping to find her account there. However, after a thorough search, her profile remained elusive and couldn't be found.

"What's their Instagram again?" Keanu thought trying to remember her sisters instagrams.

Turning to Landon's Instagram, Keanu browsed through his following list, hoping to find one of the girls. A smile graced his face when he noticed that Landon was following Charlotte. Without hesitation, he tapped on her profile.

Realizing that Charlotte's comments might lead him to Mieke, Keanu tapped on the first post he saw and started scanning through the comments section in search of any interaction with Mieke.

"Hey Daddy!" Skyler beamed, swinging the now open front passenger seat door wide.

Keanu flashed a grin. "Wassup princess, You sitting in the front today?"

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