chapter ten.

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excuse any mistakes.


"Brooklyn put me onnn," Mieke muttered, taking a sip from her Starbucks cup. Mid-sip, her phone began buzzing, prompting her to place the drink down and retrieve her phone from the drawer. Seeing her Dad's call, she answered, "Hey Daddy."

"Wassup Poodie, You busy?" Derrick asked using the nickname he coined for Mieke. She despised the nickname at first, but the more her father called her it the more the nickname grew on her, becoming something she now adored.

"Not for another 20 minutes. Why?"

"I need your help with your apartment website. I'm trying to pay your bill, but it's adding this unnecessary $36 fee. What's that for?" Derrick's face scrunched up as he FaceTimed Mieke, who answered the call. "Poodie you know yo old man getting old.. How do I screen share?"

Derrick, being a devoted father, takes care of every bill for his daughters. From their monthly rent to their utility bills, internet charges, and even their car bills, he's on top of it all. He insists on taking care of these expenses because he simply adores spoiling his daughters. It's his way of expressing love and care, ensuring they have less to worry about and can focus on other aspects of their lives without financial stress.

Even though his daughters have jobs that pay them well.

"I already paid the bill."

"Why did you do that?" Derrick asked, his voice tinged with offense, prompting Mieke to burst into laughter. "Baby I said anything funny?"

"Yes, you did," Derrick's girlfriend, Ivy, confirmed. "Hey Mieke girl. Are you at work?"

"Hey Ivy Wivy." Mieke smiled waving. "And yeah I'm at work. What y'all doing?"

Last night, she barely got any sleep because she was busy planning Haveli's gender reveal. All day, her mind was focused on getting home just to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

"Girl, I'm trying to convince your daddy to come to the mall with me. All he wants to do is stay inside the house and watch the game all day." Ivy exclaimed. Derrick chuckled, flipping the camera around to reveal Ivy gripping his legs, attempting to pull him off the bed. "Hey Mieke."

"Hi Ivy." Mieke chuckled "Daddy why youn wanna go to the mall with Ivy?"

"The mall don't got shit for me. I ain't gone be doing nun but walking around following her." Derrick stated, kicking Ivy's hands away, which prompted Ivy to playfully slap his foot.

"You do have things to do. You need to buy clothes for our trip, Derrick." Ivy sighed.

"Ouu. Where y'all going?" Mieke asked.

"We're going on a cruise. I already have clothes here, so Ion know why I need more." Derrick said, kissing his teeth before standing up.

"It's mandatory to get new clothes every trip." Ivy stated, grabbing the phone from Derrick and turning the camera to face her."Isn't that right, Mieke? Like with the number of trips we've been on, how haven't you adapted to that rule?"

"Yeah, that's right." Mieke chuckled.

"Exactly! But I'm not even gone continue talking about this because he's up now, which means he's going to the mall with me."

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