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I look up, and up, and up, fear coiling in my stomach like a snake ready to strike.

"Well, that's..." Rhiannon swallows, her head tilted just as far back as mine as we stare at the menacing obstacle course that's carved into the front of a ridgeline so steep, it might as well be a cliff. The zigzagging death trap of a trail rises above us, climbing in five distinct switchbacks of 180-degree turns, each increasing in difficulty on the way to the top of the bluff that divides the citadel from the flight field and the Vale.

"Amazing." Aurelie sighs.

Violet and Rhianon both turn, staring at her like she must have hit her head.

I happen to agree with Aurelie. It's magnificent! I'm not scared of falling to my death, I think I can conquer this. Growing up I loved climbing trees and parkour and all of that stuff. Even learning to do some flips. So this looks pretty easy according to me.

"You think that hellscape looks amazing?" Rhiannon asks.

"I've been waiting years for this!" Aurelie grins, her normally serious black eyes dancing in the morning sun as she rubs her hands together, shifting from one toned leg to the other in glee. "My dad—he was a rider until he retired last year—used to set up obstacle courses like this all the time so we could practice, and Chase, my brother, said it's the best part of being here before Threshing. It's a real adrenaline rush."

"He's with the Southern Wing, right?" Violet ask, focusing on the obstacle course running up the side of a fucking cliff.

Is there anything that girl doesn't know?

"Yep. Pretty much desk duty for all the action they see near the Krovlan border." She shrugs and points about two-thirds up the course. "He said to watch out for those giant posts jutting from the side of the cliff. They spin, and you can get crushed between them if you're not fast enough."

"Oh, good, I was wondering when it might get difficult," Rhiannon mutters.

"Thanks, Aurelie." Violet responds.

Go fast. I repeat in my head. It's the only way to make it.

"Still not sure why they call it the Gauntlet," Ridoc says from my right, blowing into his cupped hands to ward off the morning chill. The sun hasn't touched this little crevice, but it's shining above the last quarter of the course.

"To ensure dragons keep coming to Threshing by weeding out the weaklings." Tynan sneers from Ridoc's other side, folding his arms over his chest as he casts a pointed look at Ridoc.

I only know him because he threw a huge fit whe Rhiannon handed his ass to him on the mat for assessment day.

"Knock it the fuck off," Ridoc snaps, earning the entire squad's attention. My eyebrows lift. I've never seen Ridoc lose his temper or use anything but humor to defuse a situation before.

"What's your problem?" Tynan shoves a strand of thick, dark hair from his eyes and pivots like he's going to stare some intimidation into Ridoc, but it doesn't really work out, seeing as Ridoc is twice as wide and half a foot taller.

"My problem? You think because you made friends with Barlowe and Siefert that you have the right to be a dick to your own squadmate?" Ridoc challenges.

I may be against Violet and therefore the rest of her friends. But I do side with the fast that Barlowe is an asshole — him and his entire gang. So right now, I guess I'l on Ridoc's side.

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