"don't let her fool you"

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ik she has blonde, brown ish hair in swarm BUT LET'S JUST PRETENT LIKE SHE HAS FULLY BLONDE.

"i promise I'll be back before you notice" I smiled at my pouting friend, who was still being overly dramatic per usual.

"I'll get us coke" I wiggled my eyebrows, as I got seated in the drivers seat of my old car, cringing at the slight noise the leather fabric made when it came in contact with my pants.

"why are you still here again?" my friend joked leaning away from the car's window. a breathy laugh escaped my throat as I shook my head and, with a brief 'bye', I was on my way to the small shop.


i fidgted with my car's keys between my fingers, trailing my way through the aisles until I reached the snack area.

"bingo" i thought to myself, fist pumping the air when i caught my favourite chips in sight. just as I was about to snatch the bag, a voice was heard from behind me.

"hey" I jumped at the sudden exclaim, resulting in the bag slipping from it's previous place, the dusted shelf. I mentally face palmed myself, letting curses under my breath quietly.

"my bad, scaring you wasn't one of my intentions, truthfully speaking" my eyes fell on top of a girl with piercing, deep blue eyes. her whole attire was captivating, but her gaze was undeniably inescapable.

she smiled softly, as her fingers combed through her wavy hair. her eyes seemed to examine every inch of my face and body, analyzing each facial expression of mines. she was interesting.

after a while of painful eye contact with the mysterious girl, the corners of her lips twitched upwards, eyes trailing lower on my body.

"I'm deeply fond of these" she laughed, referring to the bag of chips i loosely had a grasp of, making me take a better hold of them. a smile formed on my lips, relating to her previous comment.

something lighted up inside of my head, telling me to hurry. my friend had been waiting long enough and I didn't want to leave her starving, obviously.

I politely excused myself, mumbling a few words. the girl before me shook her head in an understanding kind of way.

"have a good one!" her soft voice had changed into a deeper and lower tone, taking me by surprise.

"likewise" i exclaimed more to myself, not even looking back at her as I clutched the handle of the plastic bag in my fist tighter. I placed the bag on top of my vintage car's roof, taking my sweet time to unlock the door.

my gaze fell down to the odd looks of one of my front wheels. I fell down to my knees, inspecting the wheel better and coming to the realization that somebody had somehow punctured them.

"what the hell?" I whispered under my breath, eyebrows furrowing as i looked back at the shop, my orbs searching for any hints left behind, or maybe a person.

I exhaled deeply in frustration. flaring my nostrils I got more and more worked up by the second. the wind softly blew my hair, clearing my face of any fallen strands that tickled my cheeks.

the blinding sun burned my skin, another contribution to my annoyance. i briefly checked my phone screen, sucking my teeth once I saw the battery presentage nearly at 3%.

my ears picked on the faint sound of light footsteps on the hot pavement, making my heart rate go crazy. I held my fists close to my chest, ready to fight as I turned to look at them.

"you motherfu-" I cut myself off once my eyes fell upon the familiar face of the girl I had met not too long ago. with rosy cheeks, I let my hands fall down to my sides, smiling my way through the embarrassment.

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